Turkey Pardoning Ceremony

National Thanksgiving Turkey

National Thanksgiving Turkey Flock

You guys! I present to you the National Thanksgiving Turkey flock. It’s that time of year again … Thanksgiving. Turkey month.   And this year it’s doubly crazy for me because the National Thanksgiving Turkey flock is being raised in Minnesota. Two of the birds in the flock will be picked to travel to Washington DC […] Read more…

My Top 6 Blog Posts for 2013

As I head into the New Year, I took a few moments this morning to check out my most-read posts of 2013. It’s always fun to look back to see what really got shared by readers! Not all of these were written in 2013, including my #1 most popular post of all time about pheasant […] Read more…

Thanksgiving in Washington DC - #PresidentialTurkey13 | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

Thanksgiving in Washington DC: #PresidentialTurkey13

I apologize in advance that I’m not going to be able to write a completely coherent blog post about Thanksgiving week. I seriously am staring at my computer screen at a loss for the right words to describe my experiences last week in Washington DC. Thrilling. Hilarious. Exhausting. Surreal. Memories of a lifetime. How else can […] Read more…