
Flock of Turkeys | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

An Update on Subway

Subway clarified its antibiotics in meat policy on Friday, in case you haven’t heard. I’m glad for that because Subway is an important market for poultry – and certainly for turkey deli meat specifically. According to Feedstuffs magazine, here is the clarification: On its website, the company said the goal is to reduce and eliminate the […] Read more…

Minnesota turkeys in a barn

Wordless Wednesday: Turkey Tussle

Turkey tussle, anyone? A few years ago while coordinating the annual Thanksgiving Media Day for the Minnesota Turkey Growers Association, I attempted to shoot a little video for our members, letting them know what was happening and thanking them for their assistance and support of this event. I had good intentions. Unfortunately, I had one […] Read more…

Goodnight, Turkeys.

My Wordless Wednesday has a few words. I can’t help it. I write. That’s what I do. I love taking pictures, but I love captioning them too. So you’ll forgive me, right? Goodnight, Minnesota’s Presidential turkeys. They are tucked away, cozy in this beautiful and festive garden shed-turned-turkey-barn, at least for the next couple of […] Read more…

Does size matter in agriculture?

Does Size Matter in Agriculture? (And Other Observations)

Deceptive marketing tactics. (Ahem, Panera.) Food fear factor. (That’s you, Chipotle.) Small farmers – good. Big farmers – bad. Big ag – really, really bad. Organic turkeys are happy. Conventional turkeys are confined and unhappy. (And don’t get me started on heritage turkeys.) Heck, everyone knows white eggs can’t compare nutritionally to brown eggs, right? […] Read more…

Turkey | via printmyemotions.com

Wordless Wednesday (Gobble Gobble!)

Happy Wednesday, turkey lovers! I took this photo a few years ago in a turkey barn just south of the Twin Cities. I am sharing it today because it’s a chance for me to show you what turkeys eat every day: a perfectly nutritious mix of corn and soybean meal, with some vitamins and minerals […] Read more…

La Bamba Turkey Hotdish #serveturkey #turkeyeveryday #switchtoturkey

La Bamba Turkey Hotdish

Before I get into this week’s recipe, La Bamba Turkey Hotdish, let’s talk about ground turkey. Have you seen or read about this week’s Consumer Reports’ research that looked at ground turkey and foodborne pathogens? I cringed when I read some of the hyped-up headlines, such as: “90% of Ground Turkey Contains Disease-Causing Bacteria”. Ouch. […] Read more…

My Turkey Family

I was reminded this weekend that I am lucky to have an extended “family” who I also happen to work for as the communications director for the Minnesota Turkey Growers Association (or MTGA for short). After 17 years with the organization, it only makes sense that I would get to know many of these people […] Read more…

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