Weekend Snaps

Weekend Snaps | All About MJ

As I sat down to write this post and I looked at all my photos from the weekend, it was clear that this weekend was all about MJ … that’s Miss Morgan, our 3-year-old niece.  Oh wait, 3-and-a-HALF, thank you very much! 😉  She spent Friday evening through Sunday morning with us and she was […] Read more…

Weekend Snaps | via printmyemotions.com

Weekend Snaps | Family

Hey friends … here we are, Sunday night again. I’ve got a busy, busy week ahead … starting with a LuLaRoe sale in my Facebook group tonight, a business trip to Detroit on Tuesday/Wednesday, a Hall & Oates concert with Teacher Man on Thursday, and pedicures with the girls on Friday. Whew! I’m looking forward […] Read more…

Weekend Snaps | via printmyemotions.com

Weekend Snaps | What Day Is It?

The whirlwind known as December continues and I only half in jest ask what day it actually is. 😉 Between my day job and my LuLaRoe business, the days are flying by and I haven’t had much time to blog. Add the holidays into the mix and all I can say is: thank goodness for online […] Read more…

Weekend Snaps | Snow and Stuff

Weekend Snaps | Snow and Stuff

Happy Sunday! I’m watching the Minnesota Vikings game right now and waiting for Joe to get home from a friend’s house so I thought I’d jot a quick blog post for you all. Another fun weekend is almost in the books as we head straight into … Turkey Week! Friday = Best Mom Ever Award […] Read more…

Weekend snaps + some news | via printmyemotions.com

Weekend Snaps + LuLaRoe News

Happy Sunday, friends! My boys and I had a great couple of days. Yesterday, we hopped in our car to find some fall colors (a bit elusive with the cloudy skies and rain) and grab lunch at this out-of-the-way (see also hole-in-the-wall) restaurant. The burgers (and chicken strips, of course) and tots were absolutely fantastic […] Read more…

Weekend Snaps | Birthday Girl!

Weekend Snaps | Birthday Girl

Hello 48!  In case you haven’t noticed by now, I’m not afraid to tell you my age. (Read last year’s birthday post here.) I mean, I am what I am, right? And while it’s seems a teeny bit surreal that I am getting ever closer to a new decade, I can honestly say my 40s […] Read more…

Weekend Snaps | Teacher Man's Birthday via printmyemotions.com

Weekend Snaps | Birthday for Teacher Man!

Teacher Man’s birthday is officially tomorrow but we celebrated this weekend because, well, why not? Saturday was hot, hot, hot – 90+ degrees and super humid so we mostly kept to the indoors to keep cool. Sunday was glorious in the morning – a perfect 70 degree sunny day for a run on the trail […] Read more…

Weekend Snaps | Hayes Public House

Weekend Snaps | Around Home

I’m on the couch, typing this little weekend update on my laptop with Joe hanging out next to me and Earl the Pug at my feet. I’d say that’s just about a perfect Sunday night. (Oh, and there was ice cream. Always ice cream.) The weather felt more like late fall around here last week […] Read more…

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