Yankee Doodle Lilacs

May flowers - via printmyemotions.com

May Flowers

May flowers always bring me plenty of smiles and joy. There is just something about the gardens this time of year. May flowers are new and fresh and bright and so colorful. May flowers signal that summer is almost here. May flowers also mean May vegetables are starting to grow, with the cool weather crops […] Read more…

Spring Gardening via MyOtherOtherMoreExcitingSelf.com

The Lilacs are Blooming!

The lilacs are blooming! The lilacs are blooming! It feels a bit like a Christmas miracle around here. The long winter. The April blizzard. The constant rain in May. The unusually cool temperatures. But lo and behold, the lilacs are back in their glory. Praise be. The gardens are — finally! — looking more alive […] Read more…

My Gardens: Coming to Life.

Lady’s Mantle My gardens are coming to life, even as I continue to plant seeds and add flowers here and there. Spring is always slower to come in Minnesota, and this year, it felt like it took forever. Then today we recorded over 5 inches of rain in a 24-hour period – with more projected […] Read more…

Wordless Wednesday.

Or … where is spring? Certainly not here in Minnesota yet. Rain, sleet and snow are all predicted for tonight/tomorrow – perhaps as much as 8 or 10 inches of snow. Sigh. I should be happy there is moisture on the way, but I’d prefer the rain over the snow. I’m picky like that … […] Read more…