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I think it’s fair to say I have never (in my whole entire life, actually) wanted a spring break vacation more than this year.

The day we left to begin our travels to the Florida Keys, it was barely 14 degrees with a frigid northwest wind – on March 22, mind you. The wind, in fact, taunted us as we met my parents to make “the dog drop-off”, so much so that we basically handed off Earl the Pug, said a quick hello, gave an equally quick good-bye hug and went on our merry way. No time for small talk when the wind is slapping us in the face with gleeful winter-like abandon. Trust me on this.

In other words, get us the heck out of this never-ending winter.

We met my brother and his family in Marathon, after flying in to Key West via a stop in Atlanta. (Randomness: I was reminded I was in the south when I saw banana pudding on the menu at the airport in Atlanta. This is not common in Minnesota, which is too bad. I loooove banana pudding.) The plan was to spend four days in Marathon and then head to Key West for the remaining four days – that way we could experience two very diverse islands on the Keys.

It was about 85 degrees and sunny when we checked into our resort in Marathon. Let me repeat:  85 degrees. And sunny. You can probably imagine how ridiculously amazing this felt.

My brother (Ladd), his wife (Dana) and their kids (Davis and Audree, although I call her Miss A.) had already been there a day and they – God bless them! – had pre-stocked the refrigerator in our unit with a few necessities: bagels and cream cheese, muffins, water, and of course, the absolute essentials – beer and wine. Plus, they had left a bag of Doritos and a new snorkeling kit for Joe. Brilliant!

I probably shouldn’t give you a day-by-day recap of the rest of our vacation because, let’s face it, I’m the only one who really wants to relive that – and you might start nodding off. Okay, you would definitely nod off. But, I will share a few quirky highlights in photos:

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Meet Bob the hermit crab. Well, okay, you can’t really see him, but he’s there in the water, I promise you. According to Joe, Bob is a very good name for a hermit crab. Who am I to disagree?

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This is what you catch when you go off-shore fishing with professionals – a toro along with a whole mess of yellow tail snapper. And better yet, you can take these fish (cleaned by the above-mentioned professionals – like the hard-working first mate in the photo) to a restaurant and the chef will prepare your fresh catch of the day in any number of ways – a la “hook and eat”. Um, well, you know what I mean.

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I’m shaking my groove thing with two sassy dolphins from the Dolphin Research Center in Marathon.

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I like to think I got to ride in the way back of the vehicle with these two crazy kids every night because I’m the cool aunt (and mom), but the reality is, I am the second shortest person in the family.

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My nephew, Davis, is a freshman at the University of Nebraska and only reads my blog when there is a post that refers to him in some way. (So dude, I hope you like this photo!)

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Favorite drink: Mango Morada Mojito at the Islamorada Fish Company. Close second – Mango Daquiri from a smoothie bar on Duval Street in Key West. I am now officially obsessed with mangoes.

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This street performer in Key West nabbed the two least likely candidates to EVER to help with a street performance – Davis and Teacher Man. But yet, there they are, getting ready to put this guy in a strait jacket. After, that is, the performer swallows fire. Just another night in Key West.

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And speaking of a night in Key West … yes, Dana (bottom right) and I (top left) took our kids to get henna tattoos at 10 p.m. on Duval Street in Key West. It was a very proud moment of motherhood for both of us. Most of us loved our new art in the morning, but Joe (my “everything-by-the-books” kid)  instantly regretted his brief moment of rebellion by the time he woke up and vowed never, ever to get a real tattoo. Life lessons, people. That’s what it’s all about.

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How gorgeous is this? A visit to the Hemingway House – including a glimpse into his writing studio. Of course I loved it. Fun fact for cat lovers (or creepy, I suppose, for those who don’t like cats): there are about 45 cats on the property now, although in Hemingway’s day, he had upwards of 60 roaming around – many of the six-toed variety.

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Another little known fact about our family vacations: we ALWAYS visit a cemetery. Seriously. In Ireland, Teacher Man and I once walked over two+ miles outside of Cobh just to visit the gravestones of Lusitania victims. This time, we didn’t have to walk that far (thankfully – although if we had, I’m sure it would’ve been totally worth it). This is a memorial in Key West Cemetery, located on the highest point of the island.

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Best way to tool around Key West is in a 6-passenger electric golf cart! #FamilyTogetherness

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More #FamilyTogetherness – my farmer brother and his son, who is studying agronomy at the University of Nebraska (see, Davis – two mentions for the Huskers!).

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By Day 7, Joe is getting very campy with cousin Miss A. at Key West Aquarium. 😉

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And Day 7 – Momma needs a new dress and a beer! The best dress shopping happens with my shopping partner, Dana, and a couple of Coronas courtesy of Tucker’s Provisions in Key West.

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More #FamilyTogetherness with my boys! (And see, I’m wearing my new dress!)

I could go on … I didn’t show the most decorated Coast Guard Ship in the U.S. (in Key West) or the Turtle Hospital (in Marathon) or Fort Zachary Taylor (also in Key West), among other sightseeing we did. We had an amazing trip with my brother and his family – who were the best tour guides as they visit the Keys once and sometimes twice a year. I’m certainly glad we could escape our brutally harsh and very ongoing winter for a little while (it’s supposed to be spring, after all), but most of all I am grateful for the memories we made.

We asked Joe what his favorite part of the trip was after we got home – with the caveat that he couldn’t say swimming as this was a given. He thought about it for a few seconds and then said, “My favorite part was getting to spend time with my crazy family.”

#FamilyTogetherness – Amen to that.

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