Why Turkeys Are Raised Indoors | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

Last week, I debuted my first blog post for Successful Farming’s “Women in Agriculture” family of bloggers on Agriculture.com. I am beyond thrilled to be asked to contribute to this website on a regular basis and I’m humbled by the amazing women in my company. Does this solidify my status as an #agnerd? I believe it does!

This brings me to this blog post … yesterday we received over a foot of snow where I live – an April annoyance to be sure, although not altogether unexpected. These things happen. Sigh.

This got me thinking about all the turkeys that farmers raise here in Minnesota – and how I sure am glad they are warm and safe and comfortable in their barns.

Turkey farming is a bit mysterious to most folks, I think, because the birds are indoors and not many people really see what they are up to.  That’s why I wrote a little (in my 2nd blog post for Agriculture.com) about why Minnesota turkey farmers typically raise their turkeys in barns.

I hope you will jump on over to this link and check it out!

And in case I don’t write anything further between now and next week, have a great Easter weekend everyone!

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