June is Turkey Lovers' Month | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

Happy June is Turkey Lovers’ Month, people! And as luck would have it, today I was able to spend most of my time at a turkey farm, taking photos and videos for an upcoming event we have going on for the Minnesota Turkey Growers Association.

My coworker, Erica, is part of a fourth-generation family farm that raises breeder hen turkeys, and her Dad is on Minnesota Turkey’s Board of Directors, too. Their family graciously allowed us to visit the farm and ruffle a few turkey feathers in the barn with our cameras. 🙂

I also was able to meet Erica’s grandparents, who were very involved in the Minnesota Turkey organization, as well, when they were younger. Such lovely folks and we had so much fun hanging with the turkeys and this fine family today! #GobbleOn

June is Turkey Lovers' Month | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

This is my coworker Erica and her Dad, Dana, near the entrance of their farm, which has been in the family since 1866! At lunch, Dana should me the coolest photo of his grandfather doing chores in a turkey barn.

June is Turkey Lovers' Month | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com#CoworkerSelfie – this almost seems like too much fun to be work! 😉 I have terrific coworkers who make me laugh everyday.

June is Turkey Lovers' Month | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

Look at these lovely ladies – very curious hens who were interested to find out more about the new visitors to their barn.

June is Turkey Lovers' Month | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

And here we are – Erica, myself, Teresa (“T2”) and Teresa (“T1”). Oh, and that guy on a stick in the back? That’s the boss man, Steve, who was at a conference in Memphis this week and couldn’t join us on the farm. You could say we brought him in spirit!

Happy June is Turkey Lovers’ Month, everyone!

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