Minnesota State Fair Fun - The Egg Chair | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

Happy Friday, everyone!

I just had to write up a quick post to tell you that my blogger friend, Sara, over at It’s Mom Sense is writing an entire series on “Breaking Down the Labels” for food and this week she focuses on  eggs! Sara is a Midwestern girl who currently lives in Portland, Oregon with her family. She has an amazing blog that’s full of truthful, researched information about our food system in the U.S.

Here’s how she puts it (much more eloquently than I):

“This is my personal blog about being a mom in a food-focused city like Portland. I don’t get paid to write this blog; these are all my (researched) opinions, many of which are on the other side of accepted mommy-dogma. I’m calling momsense on letting the sensational media and the fear-mongerers scare us into believing the marketing and the hype about our food.”


If you read my blog often enough, then you know all this crazy fear marketing of our food system drives me, well, up the wall!

You really must check out her post on eggs this week. She covers a lot of ground and writes about different housing types for laying hens, bird welfare, nutrition and so much more. She will also be following up this post with two more that go in-depth into a lot of the questions we all have when we stare at the egg case in the supermarket. (Let’s get real – there are A LOT of egg choices out there!)

Full disclosure: Sara asked me for some information sources and requested that I read her posts in advance to get my feedback. I gave with her my thoughts, but her posts are all her own and I’m so excited to share her information.

Jump over here to check it out, will you?

Enjoy your start to the weekend!

Egg Industry Environmental Footprint Study | via MyOtherExcitingSelf.wordpress.com


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