Is anyone else literally shocked that we’re heading into Labor Day weekend? Weird! And somewhat sad (good-bye summer) … although I must admit I think I may be getting to the point now that I’m ready to get back to a normal schedule.

It’s State Fair time in Minnesota right now, so Joe and I made our annual trek into Saint Paul on Thursday. It was a partial work day for me – my organization hosts “Gobble Gobble Cluck Cluck Day” every year at Christenson Farms Stage, near the massively popular Miracle of Birth Center. Festivities included a game show, poultry trivia and appearances by Tom and Tillie Turkey – aka, two very enthusiastic FFA students who wear our turkey costumes and interact with the crowd while the Chicken Dance is playing.

Admidst all the the poultry activities, my sister and her 8-month-old daughter, Morgan, arrived about mid-day to whisk Joe away while I finished up work. This is also a tradition several years running – my sister loves to come to the State Fair and she and Joe often walk the fairgrounds and meet up with me later. This year, it was an extra bit of fun to be able to share Morgan’s very first State Fair experience, as well!

Enjoy the photos and have a wonderful Labor Day weekend, everyone!

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State Fair #selfie to start the day!

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The perfect breakfast for Joe … cheese curds! (Sharing completely optional.)

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During “Gobble Gobble Cluck Cluck Day”, we gave away these pencil top erasers … cute, yes?

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Obviously my niece, Morgan, was very happy to see me when she arrived at the State Fair!

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And look – she’s already a Minnesota Turkey fan! (That’s my girl!)

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We couldn’t forget about our chicken friends, so we stopped at the Chicken and Egg Association of Minnesota booth in the Dairy Building and made ourselves at home in the egg chair!

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Right next door to the chicken and egg booth is Minnesota Turkey’s booth.

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Miss Morgan was taking in all the sights and sounds of the State Fair, and she wasn’t quite sure what was going on here!

2014 State Fair (9)

One of our traditions at the State Fair is to get our handwriting analyzed and a personality print-out in the Grandstand. I remember doing this when I was Joe’s age and it’s still around – for a bargain price of $3!

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More cheese curds for Joe (this time, he did share!) and a glass of wine from Minnesota Wine Country (Frontenac Gris from Parley Lake Winery) for me. Great people watching, too, as we sat on a bench and relaxed for a few minutes.

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Joe’s favorite ride at the State Fair is the 50-year-old Sky Ride. We bought round-trip tickets and enjoyed the view from above both ways. Here’s our annual #selfie on the Sky Ride that we always text to Teacher Man, who unfortunately has been back at work this week and wasn’t able to join in on the State Fair shenanigans!

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After we texted our photo, this is what we got back from Teacher Man and Earl the Pug! 🙂

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We ended the day with a quick visit to this handsome fellow, who is living in the Miracle of Birth Center during the State Fair so that fairgoers can learn more about raising turkeys.

All in all, a most perfect State Fair day!










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