Happy 2016, friends!

I had an absolutely fabulous week off between Christmas and New Year’s, and I am really hoping I can keep my sense of inner calm and well-rested soul as we get back to “reality” tomorrow – that is, school and work!

January always ushers in a completely busy work calendar for me. I travel to Atlanta this month, Tucson in February, and my annual convention in March. In between, there are numerous other meetings, a ginormous to-do list that must get done, the usual family stuff, and my wish to keep writing regularly for this blog and several other commitments I have made.

Geez, writing this makes me feel the tension and stress already. I better stop this!

It’s not that I dislike my job – that’s most definitely NOT the case – but I am determined to find a way to keep my sanity. I won’t say “balance,” as I’m not sure that is entirely possible – but I do want to focus on my priorities and what’s really important.

On the home front, it may be as simple as meal planning on the weekend so that I can serve decent meals to Teacher Man and Joe during the week. And it’s also about staying organized as Joe’s birthday creeps up later this month. I want to keep my workout schedule relatively consistent as that helps calm my inner stress ball, and I won’t beat myself up if I miss a blog post or two. (But I also know that blogging is my creative outlet so I need to keep writing, too, because I love it!)

In the office, I am working on streamlining my workload, which can seem a bit impossible. I’ll keep you posted on how that goes. 😉

Anywho … before we leap head first into January, here are a few photos from the past week, including our New Year’s celebration at my sister’s house.

Winter Vacation - a good book, Food Network, and a glass of wine

I don’t do this often enough: relaxing on the couch with a good book, glass of wine, and Food Network on in the background. Instant relaxation! (Do I have to go back to work?)

Weekend Snaps | New Year Edition | printmyemotions.com

One of the perks of taking time off from work and staying at home? I can make homemade pancakes for Joe and his buddy, Kody, who had a sleepover at our house earlier in the week. (Recipe is excellent – find it here! Note that I added the chocolate chips because, well, why not?)

Weekend Snaps | New Year Edition | printmyemotions.com

I did quite a bit of baking on my break, which I’m sure doesn’t surprise you. This may have been the piece de resistance, though, for New Year’s Eve – a Brownie Peanut Butter Cups Cheesecake. Oh. My. Word. (And it got better the 2nd and 3rd day too – recipe here.)

Weekend Snaps | New Year Edition | printmyemotions.com

For New Year’s, I decided it would be fun to be my sister’s personal chef! Both she and her hubby were working until later in the afternoon, so Teacher Man, Joe, and I picked up their daughter, Miss Morgan, early from daycare and brought over all the food for a New Year’s celebration at their house. We roasted a JENNIE-O® OVEN READY™ Cajun Style Bone-In Turkey Breast, and served it with cheesy hash brown potatoes, and a pretty yummy broccoli-cauliflower side-dish from The Pioneer Woman. We also provided a few appetizers and the dessert I mentioned above. Yum!

Weekend Snaps | New Year Edition | printmyemotions.com

And some bubbly, of course!

Weekend Snaps | New Year Edition | printmyemotions.com

I took about a million photos of this girl. Because I can’t help myself.

Weekend Snaps | New Year Edition | printmyemotions.com

Weekend Snaps | New Year Edition | printmyemotions.com

Weekend Snaps | New Year Edition | printmyemotions.com

Weekend Snaps | New Year Edition | printmyemotions.com

And we played Balderdash and Apples to Apples with this guy, which helped keep us all focused to make it to midnight!

Weekend Snaps | New Year Edition | printmyemotions.com

Earl the Pug made sure I was up bright and early to see this beautiful sunrise hovering over my sister’s townhouse community … it really was a lovely first morning of 2016, even though I wanted to go back to sleep. 🙂

Weekend Snaps | New Year Edition | printmyemotions.com

Later, we packed up this girl and her fur-brother, Avery, and brought them back to our house while her parents got ready for a showing at their townhouse. (Fingers crossed it will sell soon! Here’s the listing if you know anyone interested in a townhouse in Chanhassen, MN.)) Miss Morgan and I set about right away to get her nails painted for the New Year – because that’s what aunties are for! 

Weekend Snaps | New Year Edition | printmyemotions.com

We also took a nice, long nap the afternoon!

Weekend Snaps | New Year Edition | printmyemotions.com

Including the dogs!

Weekend Snaps | New Year Edition | printmyemotions.com

The next day, it was time to get rid of Christmas, and my beloved silver aluminum tree was packed up and put away until next December.

Weekend Snaps | New Year Edition | printmyemotions.com

But oh the memories of a wonderful week off and a fun New Year’s celebration! 

Welcome to the New Year, and I’ll be back again this week with a Turkey Tuesday recipe and more. 🙂





2 Comments on Weekend Snaps | New Year Edition

  1. Happy New Year, Lara! Looks and sounds like you had a wonderful weekend.

    What book are you reading? I’m almost 3/4th through The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand. It’s a long book and could easily be a dramatic soap opera.

    I’m not a pancake fan, but from scratch buttermilk waffles will get my attention.

    Looks like Morgan could easily be mistaken for more than your niece. What fun to be a big part of her life.

    I’ve taken down Christmas decor and replaced it with snowmen. I have a 4 foot frosted tree that I use as our Christmas tree. I took the ornaments off, but still have it twinkling in the bay window. It’s festive!

    Hope you have a fantabulous week!

    • Happy New Year, Robyn! I am not reading anything as impressive as The Fountainhead! 🙂 I went very light – with Nora Roberts’ “Dark Witch”, a romance set in Ireland. It was just the right read for me over break!

      I love both pancakes and waffles – and Joe and I also love to have “breakfast for supper” with waffles and bacon!

      Miss Morgan is very close to our family, which I feel is such a blessing. I’m so lucky they live relatively close by – just a 45 minute drive so we see her often.

      I love your idea of a snowman tree – how fun and wintery and festive! I have to admit, our house looks a little bare right now with all the holiday decorations taken down.

      Hope your week gets off to a great start, as well!


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