When I leave the house on Monday morning, I will be heading into Saint Paul for what is easily my busiest week of the year. It’s almost time for the 2015 Midwest Poultry Federation Convention, an event our office spends months planning for and the thing that accounts for probably 75% of my workload from December-March.

But for now, I’m ignoring the teeny tiny little fact that I have work to do on Sunday. Instead, I’m sharing some random thoughts and a few photos because it helps calm the stress that is building in my soul right now. Let’s have some fun instead, shall we? Work can wait.

1) The Lego Movie is seriously good. I know, I know, this is old news, but I saw it for the first time Friday night and couldn’t believe how clever and fun it was. I think I want to watch it again.

2) Teacher Man has the nastiest cold and I’m currently sucking down multiple Vitamin C tablets so that I do not get sick in the next five days. Or ever would be good too. But at least for the next five days.

3) If there is ever any doubt that Joe is my son, I give you these items:

  • He competed in the state piano competition today for the Minnesota Music Teachers Association. If he gets a superior rating from his performance, he will play at an honors concert in Minneapolis.
  • His teacher nominated him to attend the “Young Authors Young Artists” (YAYA) symposium in May at the College of St. Benedict’s.
  • I think he is totally psyched about middle school band.
  • When he illustrated the cover for his poetry book for school, he drew a picture of himself fist-pumping Shakespeare.

Joe at U of MN's Ferguson Hall | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

Shakespeare Fist-Pumping Joe | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

4) I am such a turkey nerd that I took a photo of some new turkey menu items along with the turkey burger I ordered today for lunch at Champp’s in Minnetonka.

Champp's new turkey menu items | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

5) I can’t even believe my coworker received an email over the weekend from someone asking for a hotel’s phone number. (Shoot, this is work-related, isn’t it?) Well, the idea that someone couldn’t at least Google for this information is pretty mind blowing. I mean, I think it’s 2015, yes? I can’t quite decide if this person was just lazy or truly didn’t know how to find a hotel phone number on his own. If it’s the latter, I am very afraid for our world.

6) It was so glorious outside today that I took Earl the pug for a little walk. And when I write “little,” I mean I literally walked him around the house and that’s it. Apparently that was enough fresh air for his 14-year-old pug self because he has been snoring on the floor, pretty much not moving, for the past four hours. (Note: Photo is prior to the dog collapsing on the porch floor from apparent overindulgence of outdoor air and exercise.)

Earl the #Pug | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

7) Is there anything more fun that Facetiming with my niece, Miss Morgan, who will soon be 15 months old? It’s the ultimate stress-reliever because how could you not love that smile?

Facetiming Miss Morgan | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

8) I am a proud shill for Dairy Queen. And because of that, I get sent these fun little surprise packages – the latest being a poster and a kazoo (?) to spread the word about #ConeWithMe on March 16 – the day DQ is giving out free cones to their customers. We eat a lot of ice cream – and specifically DQ – at our house and we are not ashamed.

#Cone with Me - #DairyQueen via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

9) It became quite clear tonight, after attempting to plug in an HDMI cord into the back of one of our televisions, that cheaters are becoming a necessary evil in my life. Thankfully, cheaters are fun and colorful and sassy now, which makes me feel almost fashionable because I have cheaters in three different colors. Okay, maybe that just makes me obsessed. But either way, these are not my grandmother’s cheaters. (For the record, though, my Grandma Doris would’ve definitely had animal print cheaters if they would’ve been available. She was a stylish woman and not afraid to make a statement in leopard or cheetah.)

Cheaters! via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

As much as I hate to say this, I will likely not be back to blogging until after my big week at work. I’ll miss it but will see you all soon. In the meantime, have a great week!

– Lara –


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