Oh my word, I absolutely can’t stand it when I don’t have the time to blog regularly. 

If you follow me on Facebook, then you may have caught this picture I took last week – captioned, “What I feel like when I don’t have time to blog!” 


And it’s true. I love to write and I love to blog and I absolutely get crabby when I can’t spend at least a little time at night writing and sharing with you all.

This time of year is notorious for that. I am doing a fair amount of traveling, and when I’m home, I’m trying to get things done in advance of my work’s big annual convention in mid-March. This means every minute counts, and instead of blogging in the evening, I am often trying to get some extra work done on the convention when it’s quiet.

No worries, though, I had a great weekend with the boys. 🙂 And how could we not? It was something like 57 degrees in Minnesota on Saturday! To put this in perspective it broke a 120-year record for warmest temperature recorded on February 27. 

So of course this meant Teacher Man should break out the golf clubs and the new practice net he received for Christmas from Joe. The boys spent a good amount of time doing some practicing. Who knew we would be doing this on February 27?

Golfing in February | via MyOtheroreExcitingSelf.com

I spent Saturday doing the things I love – namely, baking and going for a run outside in this glorious sunshine.

Golfing in February | via MyOtheroreExcitingSelf.com

I made these bad boys Saturday morning – raspberry cream cheese sweet rolls from Two Peas and Their Pod – and wasn’t disappointed. Joe and I delivered part of the batch to our neighbor, who has been kind enough to make sure Joe arrives on time to school on the mornings when I have been traveling. (I am so grateful for wonderful neighbors I can count on!) 

These rolls include some kneading, which I have to admit I don’t normally do much of. But my mom has always said she enjoys that part of baking bread or rolls, and I have to say, I think I totally understand now. There’s something relaxing and almost cathartic about kneading bread dough. I used to be rather intimidated by recipes calling for yeast and kneading, but no more!

Later on Saturday we had a “cutthroat” putting contest before supper and yours truly won both games. In fact, I made 14 of 15 putts in the first game, so the boys toughened up the rules for the second game. (Which obviously didn’t make a big difference – ha!)


Now I’m kicking back on the couch, finishing up this blog post, and getting ready to watch the Oscars while I get some more work done on the convention. And as is tradition every Sunday night, we’re all enjoying our Dairy Queen Blizzards. (Nothing like eating ice cream while watching all these skinny actresses who once ate a carrot. Ha!)


I’ve finally got a new Turkey Tuesday recipe post scheduled for this week, so watch for that and have a great Monday, friends!


P.S. Here’s my latest snapshot of Earl the pug, who continues to do pretty well given the fact he is 105 in human years. 

Earl the Pug | via printmyemotions.com

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