I’m not in a writing mood tonight. I don’t know why. I mean, it is a little – okay, a lot –  weird for me to say that. But rather than fight it and write something dorky or stupid, I’m just going to share a few of my favorite photos from the weekend with just a few comments.

Happy Anniversary | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

This is what I came home to on Friday after work!  (Literally. I walked in the door and there they were, holding up their signs.) It was our anniversary on Friday – #16 – and obviously Joe really pulled out all the stops. 😉 Happy Anniversary, Teacher Man!

Happy Anniversary | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

If you follow me on Instagram, then you’ve probably already seen this. (Sorry.) Joe took this on our deck, right before the three of us had dinner out in town to celebrate.

Vacation Prep | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

On Saturday it was all about vacation prep and mani-pedi’s with my mom and sister. Can you guess which toes are mine?

Vacation Prep | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

Whaaat, Auntie Lara? You’re going to be gone for 10 days? Okay, maybe this wasn’t the reason for her exact expression … but we’ll all miss this little bug when we’re gone, that’s for sure!

My Boy Joe | via printmyemotions.wordpress.comOh shoot, this is another Instagram photo I’m probably not supposed to re-share on the blog – I think there’s blogger code of ethics about that. Maybe. But c’mon. Look at this kid. It’s my new favorite photo of him. (And hint hint – follow me if you’re on Instagram – @MNGobbleGal!)

Gardening | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

And what does every girl do less than 24 hours after a manicure? Probably not dig in the garden, but hey, I’ve gotta be me. Thank goodness for good gardening gloves. And yes, that is turquoise blue nail polish. I’m completely obsessed.

Succulent | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

Totally random picture of some succulents I have in our porch – that’s a super tall bloom! I actually brought all these plants home from Arizona after a family wedding in the spring of 2014 and they’ve really thrived under all my tough love. 😉

Earl the Pug | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

Speaking of love, this is where Earl the Pug typically waits for me (or Teacher Man) to get up and get downstairs on a Saturday or Sunday morning – right at the foot of the stairs. I think Earl is happiest when I am sitting somewhere and he can be laying down right under my feet. Otherwise, he follows me around the house, trying to get my attention so I do sit down. Ah, the life of a #PugMom!

That’s it for now, folks – hope you have a great start to the week!



2 Comments on A Few Weekend Favorites

    • Thanks! Aren’t dogs just the funniest … Earl usually sleeps in our son’s room. This morning, the dog was awake and sitting there, staring at Joe in an attempt to wake him up. If dog’s could talk, he’d be saying “Hey, I need to get up and go outside here!” LOL


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