Our State Fair Tradition | via printmyemotions #MNStateFair

I’m going to admit something to you.

Growing up, my family didn’t seem like we were really a “State Fair” kind of family. We didn’t go every year. We weren’t in 4-H so we didn’t have anything to show. We didn’t really miss the fair if we didn’t go.

In Minnesota, this seems like a dangerous thing to be admitting.

But today, on the last day of the Minnesota State Fair, I can tell you that our family has evolved and while we we may not be the type of folks to spend 12 hours straight at the fair and try every new food and visit every nook and cranny, we have developed our own State Fair traditions.

The 2nd Thursday of the Minnesota State Fair is typically “Gobble Gobble Cluck Cluck Day” at Christensen Farms’ Stage (near the popular Miracle of Birth Center). That’s when my coworkers and I spend several hours coercing fairgoers to play games like Minute to Win It (special poultry edition!) and answer a bevy of poultry trivia questions – all to win fun prizes, of course. What’s a fair without prizes, after all?

The past several years, Joe has been old enough to go with me and he assists us a little by helping us get the props unpacked and set up, videotaping the shenanigans, and whatever else we ask him to do. In return, he’s treated to cheese curds for breakfast (cue the angels singing!) and several hours of free time at the State Fair after we’re done.

That’s where my family comes in. My sister has made it a tradition of meeting us at the fair that day and the past two years, she’s also brought her daughter, Miss Morgan with her. Once in a while our brother and his daughter has joined us, and this year, our parents (otherwise known as Grandma and Grandpa) came along for the ride.

We visited the Dairy Building (for malts and ice cream, of course), Agriculture-Horticulture Building, Creative Activities, and wandered around enjoying a Giant Juicy Turkey Sandwich from Turkey To Go and some Sweet Martha’s Cookies. Joe and I hit the Sky Ride, which is our own annual tradition, and we finished the day off with some water fun on the River Ride.

All in all, I think we’ve turned into a State Fair family quite nicely. And I’ve got quite a few photos to prove it! 🙂

Our State Fair Tradition | via printmyemotions #MNStateFair

Mmmm … .cheese curds and raspberry lemonade for breakfast!

Our State Fair Tradition | via printmyemotions #MNStateFair

Joe being, well, Joe, at the FFA Leadership Center.

Our State Fair Tradition | via printmyemotions #MNStateFair

It was hot and sticky the day we went to the fair, so Joe especially liked the misters set up by the Miracle of Birth Center.

Our State Fair Tradition | via printmyemotions #MNStateFair

Speaking of Miracle of Birth Center … the lambs were quite popular, as you can imagine. The mama was right there behind her with a very pronounced “Baaaaa!”, which really cracked Joe up!

Our State Fair Tradition | via printmyemotions #MNStateFair

And the cows, of course … we took this picture to text to Teacher Man who has always loved cows. He was back at school that day, getting ready for his students, so he couldn’t join us for all the fair fun.

Our State Fair Tradition | via printmyemotions #MNStateFair

Ice cream break needed! I tried the “Salted Caramel Puff” sundae at the Dairy Goodness Bar. I was initially skeptical as I wasn’t sure I’d like the texture of the popcorn puffs with the ice cream, but one bite and I was sold. And really, how could I not like salted caramel sauce? Delicious!

Our State Fair Tradition | via printmyemotions #MNStateFair

Looks like a deep level conversation about ice cream between Joe and his cousin, Miss Morgan. 😉 She insisted on eating her own ice cream (hello Miss Almost Two-Year-Old!), which resulted in an impressive display of napkins all down the front of her.

Our State Fair Tradition | via printmyemotions #MNStateFair

Another yearly tradition … the Minnesota Turkey cut-out photo opportunity!

Our State Fair Tradition | via printmyemotions #MNStateFair

I love walking through the judging rooms for the fruits and vegetables. Such colors!

Our State Fair Tradition | via printmyemotions #MNStateFair

More yummy garden goodness.

Our State Fair Tradition | via printmyemotions #MNStateFair

These two love hanging out together!

Our State Fair Tradition | via printmyemotions #MNStateFair

Joe as a … bed bug, courtesy of the Minnesota Department of Agriculture booth.

Our State Fair Tradition | via printmyemotions #MNStateFair

Our view from the Sky Ride.

Our State Fair Tradition | via printmyemotions #MNStateFair

Nope, not having fun at all.

Our State Fair Tradition | via printmyemotions #MNStateFair

If you follow me on Facebook or Instagram, you’ve probably already seen this photo, but it’s too cute not to share again. 🙂

For the record, I don’t force them to wear the awesome t-shirts. Ha! As Joe said that morning, “The Minnesota Turkey t-shirt is a must!” (That’s my boy!)

Another year of successful #MNStateFair memories made!



4 Comments on Our State Fair Traditions.

    • You definitely need to check the State Fair out, Diane! 🙂 It’s worth it for the people watching – not to mention the amazing turkey sandwiches. Hope all is well!


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