Fabulous over 40 | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

I turned 47 yesterday.

This is not, by the way, meant to be a big announcement of my birthday, although I suppose it kind of seems that way. Gifts completely optional, I promise.

If you are (much) younger than this, you might automatically assume this means I’ve got my adult act together.

Ha. This is actually quite funny.

Sometimes I do, sure, but sometimes, I easily remember that girl I was at 16 … or 25.

I also realized one evening not so long ago that I have a treasure trove of really useless and random facts that I have learned about myself and of which I will share a few below. (Disclaimer for the guys I know who read my blog: I do mention fashion, makeup and shoes.)

I am (mostly) smarter – or at the very least, more self-aware – for knowing these things. But some have little redeeming value, mind you. These are just me things that I feel compelled to share because, well, I have a blog and all.

1) I don’t like silk dresses on me even though I want to like silk dresses on me. They drape so pretty on tall, stick-thin models but I put one on and it’s all static cling in all the wrong places. Not a good look. And it just doesn’t feel right. I don’t know why I ever try, so I’m quitting silk right now. I mean it. (Sorry, Madewell.)

2) I do, however, continue to love dresses. And I have found that a good fit-and-flare dress with slip-on sneakers  is one of the most comfortable outfits in the world. (You’ve already redeemed yourself, Madewell!)

2) Ice cream on Sunday night helps usher in Monday. Don’t, for the love of Pete, deny yourself. You might think – oh, I don’t need the extra calories. Or, I didn’t exercise all weekend and now I’m going to eat ice cream? This is crazy talk. Crazy. Talk. Life is too short and Sunday nights can be a bit of a drag with that whole re-entry into the work week thing going on. Eat ice cream, cozy up on the couch, and be happy with life. And your big bowl of ice cream.

3) Short hair is damn sexy. Teacher Man – bless his soul – will occasionally try to talk me into growing my hair out. I don’t take offense. I know he loves me in short hair, too, but this is not happening. I have tried long hair – or least various lengths of longer-than-now hair. It has always ended badly (except for when I was 6 and adorable). We just couldn’t get along. (In the late 80s my hair was actually this amazing permed triangle. I kid you not. The proof is below.) When I was about 38 or 39, I finally found freedom in short hair. It was a transformative experience, I tell you.

This is me. This is 47. | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

This is me. This is 47. | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

4) Always, always go on at least one girls’ weekend every year.  You can never, ever underestimate the importance of hanging with your best girlfriends, drinking wine, shopping with abandon, and eating out. It’s rejuvenating for a girl’s soul.

5) Vegas. The best decision I ever made when I turned 40 was to talk my sister, sister-in-law and mom into going to Vegas with me to celebrate. I cannot tell you how much fun we had. I can only give you these hints: $18 margaritas; bypassing the line to get into Tao nightclub – with my mother in tow; stalking a soap star at the Planet Hollywood pool; and ABBA music. It was everything I hoped for in a 40th birthday trip and more, so much more. Just do it.

6) Pugs are seriously the cutest dogs in the world. My pictures don’t lie.

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7) Farmers aren’t jerks or stupid or evil. Enough with the constant battles about big and small farms, conventional and organic farms, corporate and family farming, and all the other ways people (with too much time and money) disrespect farmers and gripe about our food. Farmers and their families eat the same food you eat, too.

8) Speaking of respect … teachers. A truly good teacher is a special person, who can handle all the different roles asked of him or her, along with teaching actual subjects. It’s a delicate, complicated, and often times stressful balance but those who have a gift for teaching figure it out. And those of us who are married to teachers know exactly how much time, effort, blood, sweat, and tears go into this profession.

Teacher Man and Me

9) Everything I know about makeup, I learned from my mother. Regardless of all the style/fashion magazines I have read since I was in my teens, the simple truth is I subscribe to my mother’s makeup philosophy. In other words, not that much on a typical weekday, while ramping it up a bit (code for: light eyeliner) for special occasions. I totally do this, without even really thinking about it, thanks to watching and learning from my mom who has never needed a ton of makeup to look beautiful.

A Birthday Celebration | via www.printmyemotions.wordpress.com

10) Lipstick obsession. This penchant for a low-maintenance makeup look doesn’t stop me from having way too many lipsticks and lip glosses. It’s weird but I can’t stop. #Obsessed

11) Coffee cake makes everything okay. Especially if it includes crumb topping. (Cookies are similar, especially directly from the oven.)

12) Wine. Enough said.

13) Money spent on travel is well spent. I never regret the money we save and then subsequently spend on travel. Seeing the world is a gift and a joy and offers up different lenses from which to view life.

14) How did I turn into a J.Jill catalog? … And more than that, how do I not mind?

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15) Being a #BoyMom is the best.  Teacher Man and I have one child – a boy, Joe, who is now 11, and he is absolutely the joy of my life. He is also part old soul, part sensitive soul, part creative soul, and part hilarious soul. He takes FOREVER to put socks on before school in the morning but always gives me a hug (actually two) before he heads for the bus. He can snarf down an entire frozen pizza and 30 minutes later, ask for popcorn because he’s hungry. He can also eat the grossest combinations of food – like Cheerios and Doritos. (Not that he ever does that. Ahem.) Anyway, he can always make me laugh. Please tell me he won’t change overly much when he hits his teen years. Pretty please?

2015-09-11 21.24.37

16) I love flats. In case you didn’t know, I’m kind of known for my love of shoes. I have some really cute heels (I mean seriously cute!) in my closet, but if I’m being completely honest, I feel most like myself when I wear cute flats. I can walk as fast as I want and I don’t have to worry about tripping. Usually.

17) Mostly I feel like I’m still 27. Well, maybe 37. I don’t always know exactly what I’m doing as I navigate my world of wife, mother, friend, coworker, blogger, and #pugmom, but life at 47 is good. Really good.

“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive that is Youer than You.” — Dr. Seuss.



8 Comments on So I guess it’s my birthday.

  1. Bless you, Lara, for sharing your b-day insights. 🙂 Good reminders/advice as we continue to accumulate earthly wisdom and meaningful experiences. In my mind’s eye, I am still in my 20s. 🙂

    • Thanks, Paula! I started writing this list weeks ago and came back to it from time to time. Then I finally edited it a bit to share last night. It’s not in my usual character to share so much about ME so blatantly but it was a fun exercise. And I, too, still feel like I’m in my 20s. 🙂


  2. Thanks for sharing. What you said is so true. Remember when people in their 50’s and beyond looked, dressed and acted old? Thank goodness times have changed! I have come to the conclusion age is a state of mind. Even though I’ll be 65 (medicare age) in December, I sometimes look in the mirror and say, “really?” Hope you had a wonderful birthday!!

  3. You can’t possibly be 47. I don’t believe it for a minute! No matter your age, you have a beautiful attitude to carry forward as you celebrate another year.

    • Thanks, Lisa! 🙂 I’ve never been one to be too worked up about age – I have my moments, of course, but life is good and I am thankful for all the blessings I have.


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