Iโ€™d like one more Sunday tacked on to the weekend. (Pretty please?)

Fine. Be that way. ๐Ÿ˜‰

I guess Iโ€™ll just share our weekend in a few snaps and stay in denial about that whole Monday thing coming soon.

Teacher Man decided to re-paint the ceiling in our kitchen / great room area, which meant that my entire collection of red and white enamelware came down off the tops of my kitchen cupboards and got a good scrubbing. These pieces came from antique stores around Minnesota or were gifts to me over the years โ€“ I love the history and also how they match my red kitchen cupboards.

Weekend Snaps | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

While Teacher Man painted on Friday night, I, um, supervised. Itโ€™s what I do best. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Weekend Snaps | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

By far, Joe loves the cookies I bake best โ€“ better than any cake or crisp or pie. (How many times have I heard โ€œIโ€™m not really a cake guy, Momโ€?!) Today I made my absolute favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe (you can find it here) from the New York Times. I dare you to find a better cookie recipe โ€“ these are seriously mouth-wateringly good. Joe had a friend over this afternoon, and even his friend made a point of telling me the cookies were awesome โ€“ as he and Joe were in the kitchen grabbing another handful.

Weekend Snaps | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

This is what I do when I buy a new skirt and I want to show it to my sister โ€“ I try on the skirt at home and attempt to take a goofy selfie that includes the skirt. (In other news, Teacher Man and I went shopping together on Saturday and it was a success for all โ€“ we came home with new clothes and good deals for all three of us โ€“ plus we stopped for a celebratory Saturday #happyhour cocktail. #Winning) 

Temperatures reached the mid-80s today and it was glorious outside! Unfortunately what you donโ€™t see in this photo is the swarm of Asian lady beetles which threatened to ruin the day โ€“ they were awful. But if you could ignore the zillions of beetles flying around, you could revel in the fall colors, brilliant blue sky, and one last summer hurrah. (Six years ago yesterday it was snowing, so truly, this is what being blessed is all about.)

I hope you have a great start to the week โ€“ see you back here soon!


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