Hello, friends! So much going on this weekend it’s hard for me to know where to start.

So first this:

Weekend Snaps | Birthdays! via printmyemotions.comIt’s good to be the birthday girl, especially when you’re turning 2! And oh my word, how adorable is Miss Morgan in her headband and sparkly birthday dress?

Weekend Snaps | Birthdays! via printmyemotions.com

Truth be told, this is really how I captured the birthday girl in all her glory … she’s on the move nearly all the time!

Weekend Snaps | Birthdays! via printmyemotions.com

And then there are these two. 🙂 Joe and Miss A. – cousins and fellow goofballs. Always.

Weekend Snaps | Birthdays! via printmyemotions.com

A brand-new kitchen play set from us to Miss Morgan … I think she likes it. 🙂

Weekend Snaps | Birthdays! via printmyemotions.com

We celebrated another birthday this weekend – Earl the pug turned 15 today! We still remember vividly what this old man was like as a pup: energetic, rambunctious, and full of love for people! He would get so excited when we got home from work he would run full speed around our dining room table at least 15 or 20 times in a row – we called it Earl’s Indy 500!

His energy has waned over the years, and arthritis makes it harder for him to get around (no steps anymore!), but his favorite thing is napping at my feet and he will follow me around all day, with a look in his eyes that says “C’mon mama, it’s time for you to sit down so I can get a good rest!”

Other Earl favorites include: carrots, popcorn, hard-boiled eggs, and steak. 

And napping. Lots and lots of napping.

Weekend Snaps | Birthdays! via printmyemotions.com

A few throwback photos with our nephew, Davis, who is now almost 21 and has his very own dog! Sigh. Slow down, time …

Weekend Snaps | Birthdays! via printmyemotions.com

And here’s the birthday boy himself today, along with a party hat we still had from Miss Morgan’s party the day before. 

Aside from the birthdays, I also continued my quest to wrap all the gifts before December 23. I’m not quite there yet, but soon! (And did you know USPS was working today? We had two packages delivered on Sunday. Weird – but nice.)

Joe and I also continued our annual tradition of making Christmas cut-out cookies. 

Weekend Snaps | Birthdays! via printmyemotions.com

Doesn’t everybody make Christmas frogs along with the stockings, stars, Christmas trees, and gingerbread people? 

Weekend Snaps | Birthdays! via printmyemotions.com

Joe tests my whole “frost cookies within the lines” mantra every year, but I get used to it, mostly, and admire his artistic take on decorating. 

Weekend Snaps | Birthdays! via printmyemotions.com

And his collection of “poison dart frogs” may not look festive, but they are totally Joe!

Now bring on Christmas week! Teacher Man is officially on break, while Joe has school (and I work) through Wednesday. I have already made one trip to Target (today) because I suddenly feel I don’t have enough stocking stuffers. This is likely not true, but it seems I can’t help myself – every year I do a little last-minute, panic-shopping and usually at Tar-zhee. Somebody stop me!

I’ll be back on Tuesday with a seriously amazing turkey recipe. I know, I say that every week. And it’s always true, but this week it’s actually beyond true. This one is a serious keeper.

Have a great start to the week – and if you are already on holiday break, then high-five for you!


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