I’m torn about being super excited it’s almost the weekend and super panicked because – oh my God, it’s the weekend but I have about a zillion things to do at work between now and mid-March and how in the world is it all ever going to get done?

Did I just type that out loud?

Never mind that my organization’s big convention is 4.5 weeks away. Never mind that I will be heading out to the National Turkey Federation Convention next week for five days. Never mind that I have talking points to write and videos to edit and publications to layout and hotel blocks to monitor. Never mind that I do actually love my job and don’t mind the work itself; it’s just the impending tick-tock of the clock this time of year – there is never enough time in the day, it seems.

In reality, though, I plan to ignore the mountainous pile of work and my slightly elevated level of stress, at least for Friday night and Saturday. Sounds like a plan, yes?

So to get this weekend party started, here are a few highlights from my week so far:

America Needs Farms (ANF) | via printmyemotions.com

Teacher Man’s new hat – a Christmas present, mind you – finally arrived this week! It’s an Iowa Hawkeyes hat with the “America Needs Farmers” logo. If you don’t know about this awesome program to highlight Iowa agriculture and farmers (started by legendary Iowa coach Hayden Frye), you can read about it here. And how cool, really, is it that this hat was so popular prior to Christmas that it was back-ordered? I think it’s fabulous how Hawkeye fans support the ANF program!

Orchid | via printmyemotions.com

I love that my orchid blooms in the dead of winter, which is kind of what this particular morning felt like – dark, gray, temps hovering around 0 degrees, which is unusually cold for this time of year – even by Minnesota standards. But inside my porch, this little beauty is coming to life. It’s also special to me because our friends sent it as a gift to us to honor Teacher Man’s mom, who passed away in February 2013, and it’s been doing amazing ever since – despite my lack of general orchid knowledge.

Cowgirl Princess | via printmyemotions.com

If you follow my page on Facebook, then perhaps you saw this picture on Tuesday. It’s my favorite little cowgirl princess, Miss Morgan. Love, love, love her choice of boots, of course. 🙂

Antibiotics in poultry production | via printmyemotions.com

This is an excellent article on the use of antibiotics in poultry production – especially in light of all the marketing buzzwords out there. “Antibiotic-free”, “raised without antibiotics”, “no antibiotics ever” … it’s no wonder we’re confused about what this all means. There are some really smart folks quoted in the article – people I know in the poultry/agriculture industries and whom I trust to give a straight-up answer. I encourage you to give this article a look-see.

High Five for Friday | via printmyemotions.com

Hello, blondie! 🙂 Or in other words, this is how I get ready to travel to Tucson for the National Turkey Federation’s annual convention. (I know, I know, rough gig.) A girl needs a little light in her life in the middle of winter. Desert, here I come!

Enjoy the weekend, friends!


P.S. Does anyone else’s 12-year-old son dress as slow as a snail in the morning? Good grief, it’s painful watching that process unfold. And don’t think I don’t notice that he is MUCH faster when it’s just his father at home with him in the morning and I’m off on business travel. I definitely see how this works. 😉

High Five for Friday | via printmyemotions.com

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