June is Turkey Lovers Month | via printmyemotions.com #tryturkey #serveturkey #turkeyeveryday

June signals many things, including the end of the school year and the beginning of summer, but did you know June is Turkey Lovers’ Month®?

It’s true! I’m not just making this up because I, in fact, am a huge fan turkey – as you well know. June is Turkey Lovers’ Month® is a thing. Really.

You can watch my Facebook page and Twitter handle (@MNGobbleGal) all month for interesting facts, photos, and videos about turkey farming and I’ll continue to share Turkey Tuesday recipes. I also encourage you to follow these social media accounts for even more information:

Do you have a question about turkey farming or preparing turkey products? Let me know and I’ll be happy to research answers for you and share here on the blog!

Remember – June is the perfect time to #TryTurkey!


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