Hello friends! I’ll be taking a few days off from blogging as I’m heading “up north” as we say in Minnesota – to Duluth for the Minnesota Turkey Growers Association annual Summer Conference. I’m looking forward to seeing all my “turkey peeps”, as we gather for education sessions, networking, and plenty of turkey! (Although, I am chagrined to find out the weather sounds pretty cool … 56 degrees for tomorrow’s high? WHAT? Oh that’s right, it’s Duluth and Lake Superior. Hello lake effect temperatures.)

Our 3rd annual Turkey Taste-Off will be held Wednesday night and will feature seven different turkey food items – from appetizers to salads to entrees. Our members will vote for their favorite turkey dishes and I can’t wait to see what they pick as the winner! 🙂

We’re also debuting a new “staff video” we put together and I will definitely post a link to it soon – it is quite funny! I spent about 4 hours last night putting it together and let’s just way I woke up in the middle of the night with Justin Timberlake’s song “Can’t Stop The Feeling” running through my head over and over and over.

In the meantime, here are just a handful of pics from the weekend, which included a nephew’s graduation party and Joe’s spring piano recital. 

Piano | via printmyemotions.com

Fast fingers practicing for the piano recital. Joe gets so nervous and he always wants to be perfect! (Okay, okay, I kind of know where he gets that. Ahem.) 


Another year of piano lessons in the books and Joe continues to really progress. His latest favorite song to play is Maple Leaf Rag, the Scott Joplin classic.


Okay, I have to share that I am turning into my Grandma Doris – and I don’t mind at all! Grandma loved bright colors and wild prints. I personally have never thought about wearing crazy patterned leggings … until now. I found a company called LuLaRoe that sells an amazing selection of leggings as well as different styles of t-shirts, dresses, and skirts – all in a huge array of colors, patterns and designs (and at reasonable prices, too!). I am totally digging this new pair of leggings and baseball shirt I bought. If you want to learn more, join my friend Erica’s LuLaRoe group on Facebook, where she does “pop-up’ sales every week. It’s a great way to shop and Erica and her husband, James, are super helpful if you have questions about sizes, fabrics, etc. 🙂 

Crunchy French Toast | via printmyemotions.com

And lastly, this happens more often than I should probably admit. I get up on a Saturday or Sunday morning and am craving a fun breakfast treat, like coffee cake or The Pioneer Woman’s Crunchy French Toast (above). So I make something and then I’m the only one who eats it. Seriously. I love my boys, but c’mon. Joe – step away from the Cheerios for one day, how about? 😉 Oh well, that just means more Crunchy French Toast for me – and it was divine!

See you all in a few days!


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