I’m always a little sad to see Labor Day weekend come to an end. It signals good-bye to summer and hello to a more scheduled life complete with school activities, confirmation classes at church, homework, piano lessons, and a busy, busy office that seems to hit its stride in September and doesn’t look up until April.

On the other hand, autumn in Minnesota can be gorgeous, plus September is my birthday month (go me – ha!) so there are many reasons to feel happy and blessed.

Before we get up tomorrow and take that 1st day of school picture – which the 7th grader is less than enthused about – here are just a few random snapshots of how we spent our day.

Good-bye Summer | via printmyemotions.com

I created a quick graphic for Minnesota Turkey’s Facebook page. Doesn’t this photo make you smile? 

Good-bye Summer | via printmyemotions.com

And then I tried a new crockpot recipe with ground turkey and a whole bunch of other yummy ingredients – I will be blogging about this soon!

Good-bye Summer | via printmyemotions.com

I went upstairs to make Joe’s bed (I washed sheets today – #winning!) and found this scene, which doesn’t even show all the Yu-Gi-Oh cards displayed haphazardly around the floor, and which also made me laugh. (He did clean everything up when he was done – also #winning!)

Good-bye Summer | via printmyemotions.com

And finally this evening I sat down and finished The Rumor, a great beach read by one of my favorite fiction authors, Elin Hildebrand – with a Dairy Queen Blizzard, also, and my comfortable LuLaRoe leggings. (And by the way, I just won $10 LuLaCash from one of my favorite consultants so, again, I’m #winning for a third time today!)

Happy Labor Day evening, friends – I’m off to do a little LuLaRoe shopping! I’ll be back tomorrow with a Turkey Tuesday recipe post. 🙂


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