Labor Day. And how exactly did that happen?

Now that Joe’s brand-new backpack is packed, school clothes are laid out, new tennis shoes are ready to be broken in, and even Teacher Man’s lunch is packed for tomorrow, I can plop myself on the couch, turn on a little Real Housewives of Orange County (Reunion, Part 2!) and give you my random stream of consciousness.

You’ll thank me later, I’m sure.

1) What does my 5th grader do the day before his first day of school? Spend as much time as his parents will allow him playing Terraria – or is it Minecraft? I forget.

Labor Day. How did that happen? | via

2) That is, of course, until his mother insisted he must quit being a vampire and get outside to get some sun and fresh air. Hence, a bike ride ensued. (And eek – yes, that is a #nomakeup #selfie in the sun. I may have just freaked myself out. Thankfully I will just focus on Joe’s freckles – way cuter!)

Labor Day. How did that happen? | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com3) My back is now officially killing me from picking all these yellow beans in my garden, but the pain is totally worth it. I’m also thinking we may be having yellow beans with every meal this week.

Labor Day. How did that happen? | via

4) If I’m being completely honest here, I spent a little too much time watching The Pioneer Woman‘s mini marathon on The Food Network this afternoon. Sorry. I’m a little obsessed.

Labor Day. How did that happen? | via

5) Earl the Pug has once again shown why he may be the smartest member of our family. A Monday afternoon nap in the porch? Why didn’t I think of that? In other Earl-related news, one of his photos on my Instagram account was picked up by @PugsOfInstagram last week and now has over 23,000 likes. As in 23-THOUSAND!

Labor Day. How did that happen? | via

6) In one  last attempt to channel the final few minutes of summer, I sat out on my front porch this evening, basking in the west sun and reading the newspaper in my rocking chair. It was heavenly. (And yes, sometimes I’m an old soul – reading an actual printed newspaper on a rocking chair on my front porch.)

The air, while warm, still felt different – with just a hint of autumn coming in now. I was wondering if this may all be in my head, but my neighbor, Jud, came over for a chat and confirmed that he, too, felt the same way. Exit summer, enter September. (And yes, I do know summer isn’t officially over until later this month, but this is Minnesota, people.)

Labor Day. How did that happen? | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com7) One more walk around my gardens for the evening and I magically captured these monarch butterflies enjoying my Joe Pye Weed plants. This photo makes me very happy.

Labor Day. How did that happen? | via

8) And you know what makes me laugh out loud like a crazy woman in my own garden in the backyard? The fact that I finally have six varieties of zinnias growing and blooming and it’s September 1! These zinnias have been through two wash-out rains, one re-seeding and bunny attacks too numerous to mention. Teacher Man built me a raised bed to put around them in late July, which was apparently just enough to deter the rabbits from further meals. Now, after all that, I have my zinnias!! #ItsAMiracle

Labor Day. How did that happen? | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com9) And finally … back to school night deserves Dairy Queen for all! Our favorite Blizzard flavors:  peanut butter cups (Teacher Man); cookie dough (Joe) and midnight truffle (me).

Labor Day. How did that happen? | via printmyemotions.wordpress.comHappy first week of September, everyone!





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