National Thanksgiving TurkeyYou guys! I present to you the National Thanksgiving Turkey flock.

Itโ€™s that time of year again โ€ฆ Thanksgiving. Turkey month.  

And this year itโ€™s doubly crazy for me because the National Thanksgiving Turkey flock is being raised in Minnesota. Two of the birds in the flock will be picked to travel to Washington DC for the annual National Thanksgiving event at the White House โ€“ the 70th anniversary of this grand tradition!

Did I mention I love my job?

Today I got to spend some time with the flock and the fine folks raising the birds. I took a boat load of photos and videos to use in the marketing and communications efforts leading up to Thanksgiving week. Here are a few of my favorites so far:

National Thanksgiving TurkeyNational Thanksgiving TurkeyNational Thanksgiving Turkey

National Thanksgiving Turkey

National Thanksgiving TurkeyLife will be crazy busy for me now until after Thanksgiving โ€ฆ so bear with me when you donโ€™t see too many posts, or if you see me post madly for a day or two and then nothing. Looks like Joe and I are headed to Washington DC, too, for the actual ceremony at the White House โ€” fingers crossed as we really donโ€™t know yet how many of us will be able to attend.

#GobbleOn, my friends!

xoxo โ€“ Lara

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