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Lefse | printmyemotions.com

Dribs and Drabs

It’s Monday and I have exactly five days of work before my holiday break commences. Too bad my mind is still on the weekend and all the fun that was had.  Why can’t I just say home today, eat lefse, and watch Christmas movies? First up in the “Dribs and Drabs” category … this Ah-Mazing […] Read more…

Welcome, December | printmyemotions.com

Welcome, December

Welcome to December, friends! I officially ushered in the month by getting a little holiday shopping done, baking up some cranberry cinnamon sweet buns (recipe coming soon!), and watching my fair share of Hallmark Christmas movies.  Buffalo has a pretty awesome little kitchen shop in town – The Abundant Kitchen. They carry a really nice […] Read more…

Monday Randomness | via printmyemotions.com

Monday Randomness

It’s a good Monday evening when I can have a grilled cheese sandwich for supper with Joe,  finish my workout by 8 p.m., and tune in to The Voice while writing some new blog posts.  It doesn’t take much to make me happy. 😉 This also made me happy this morning: Harvest time. This was […] Read more…

Staycation Photos | via printmyemotions.com

Peaceful Staycation

My staycation has been … peaceful. Relaxing. Stress-free, even.  As much as I love to travel (and I do!), there is something grounding about being able to stay home, follow my own schedule, do what I want to do around the house – when I want to do it. I’ve spent the past couple of […] Read more…

Turkey Tuesday + Random Thoughts

Hey friends! It’s Turkey Tuesday and I do have a new product I want to show you … but I also have a few random things I feel inclined to write about. So … let the random fun begin! 🙂 First – Jennie-O Turkey Store sent me these three turkey sausage products to try and […] Read more…

Weekend Recap

Well, the weekend is winding down with snow. Again.  I’m pretty sure spring has decided not to show up at all this year.  But regardless, I have no other complaints, except that weekends always go way too fast. Joe had his last winter drumline competition of the season – crazy since he’s been practicing and […] Read more…

LuLaRoe Madison

Random Update #567

I should be working right now. I have so. much. to. get. done. But alas, it’s 9:05 p.m. and I just want to blog some randomness. Is that so wrong? 1) I may have ordered two new pairs of shoes tonight. I know, I know — like I need more shoes. But you guys. Look […] Read more…

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