Buffalo Minnesota

Hayes Public House | via printmyemotions.com

Weekend Snaps | November in Minnesota

I have no idea why I am so completely tired tonight. Like collapse on the couch, barely-keeping-my-eyelids open tired. (Although Earl the pug did wake me up at 5:57 a.m. when he started roaming around our bedroom, making his usual pug snorting and heavy breathing sounds, apparently believing – and wrongly so – that it […] Read more…

Buffalo Minnesota sunset

Town Meets Countryside.

I live in Buffalo, Minnesota, a community of about 15,000 people that’s a short drive to the suburbs of Minneapolis. I don’t consider Buffalo a suburb in the true sense, however; it’s a town with a long history and its own personality. And from our home, we can see horses, cows (both dairy and beef), and fields […] Read more…

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