Bunker’s Of Course

Mother's Day Weekend 2017 | via printmyemotions.com

Mother’s Day Weekend

I had way too much fun this weekend – starting with the fact that I took Friday off and turned it into a three-day weekend. Plus, the weather was GLORIOUS. It felt like summer – finally! Here’s a rundown of everything we packed into the last three days: Thursday night Teacher Man and I went […] Read more…

Weekend Snaps | via printmyemotions.com

Weekend Snaps | In No Particular Order …

And so this weekend kicked off my spring break – and the next five workdays off! I’m not going anywhere. (Well, unless you count running errands about town.) And I am mostly okay with this. Sure, I hate Facebook right now because everyone is posting pictures from the beaches of Florida and Mexico. Whatevs. I’m […] Read more…