
Spring Gardening via MyOtherOtherMoreExcitingSelf.com

The Lilacs are Blooming!

The lilacs are blooming! The lilacs are blooming! It feels a bit like a Christmas miracle around here. The long winter. The April blizzard. The constant rain in May. The unusually cool temperatures. But lo and behold, the lilacs are back in their glory. Praise be. The gardens are — finally! — looking more alive […] Read more…

September Garden | via printmyemotions.com #gardening #gardenchat

Weekend Snaps | September Garden

Here’s something you probably don’t know about me: I have never made real, honest-to-goodness fried chicken until this weekend. Random, I know, but it seems strange that in almost 48 years, I’ve never even tried.  That all changed Saturday night when I made some pretty dang fabulous fried chicken from this Food Network recipe courtesy of […] Read more…