Hayes’ Public House

Spring Pansies via printmyemotions.com

Weekend Randomness

Here we are on another Sunday night and weirdly, I feel like I have all this energy right now. I have no idea why – just that I was pretty productive today and I hope this carries over to the week ahead. Friday evening Teacher Man and I headed over to Norm’s Wayside Rest to […] Read more…

Welcome, December | printmyemotions.com

Welcome, December

Welcome to December, friends! I officially ushered in the month by getting a little holiday shopping done, baking up some cranberry cinnamon sweet buns (recipe coming soon!), and watching my fair share of Hallmark Christmas movies.  Buffalo has a pretty awesome little kitchen shop in town – The Abundant Kitchen. They carry a really nice […] Read more…

Slacking ... and Sunday! via printmyemotions.com

Slacking … and Sunday!

Okay friends, I have totally been slacking on blog posts lately. I thought summer was supposed to give us more time for fun stuff? I felt like this weekend literally buzzed by on double speed. I think it must be because the countdown to school is really beginning in earnest. Teacher Man’s last week of […] Read more…

Weekend Snaps | All About MJ

As I sat down to write this post and I looked at all my photos from the weekend, it was clear that this weekend was all about MJ … that’s Miss Morgan, our 3-year-old niece.  Oh wait, 3-and-a-HALF, thank you very much! 😉  She spent Friday evening through Sunday morning with us and she was […] Read more…

Weekend Snaps | via printmyemotions.com

Weekend Snaps | In No Particular Order …

And so this weekend kicked off my spring break – and the next five workdays off! I’m not going anywhere. (Well, unless you count running errands about town.) And I am mostly okay with this. Sure, I hate Facebook right now because everyone is posting pictures from the beaches of Florida and Mexico. Whatevs. I’m […] Read more…

Weekend Snaps | Last Look at Garden Color via printmyemotions.com

Weekend Snaps | The Last of the Garden Color

Let’s be real here. It’s October 16 in Minnesota and while winter is “technically” a couple of months away, I think we all know November is creeping ever closer and it’s about time to put the gardens to bed. What’s amazing about this fall, however, is how my perennials and shrubs – and heck, even […] Read more…

Weekend Snaps | Hayes Public House

Weekend Snaps | Around Home

I’m on the couch, typing this little weekend update on my laptop with Joe hanging out next to me and Earl the Pug at my feet. I’d say that’s just about a perfect Sunday night. (Oh, and there was ice cream. Always ice cream.) The weather felt more like late fall around here last week […] Read more…

Hayes Public House | via printmyemotions.com

Weekend Snaps | November in Minnesota

I have no idea why I am so completely tired tonight. Like collapse on the couch, barely-keeping-my-eyelids open tired. (Although Earl the pug did wake me up at 5:57 a.m. when he started roaming around our bedroom, making his usual pug snorting and heavy breathing sounds, apparently believing – and wrongly so – that it […] Read more…

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