Happy Friday, everyone! It’s been a busy and productive week leading up to Christmas and I’d say I have just a few small things to cross off my to do list and I’ll be ready.

Apparently I’ve been a little lax at documenting my week in photos, so I’m just going to write five random thoughts and throw in a photo when possible.

1) I’m the biggest Fixer Upper nerd. Have you seen this show on HGTV with Chip and Joanna Gaines? I love how they take houses that, in most cases, are total and complete pits of despairity and turn them into these amazing homes full of clean, rustic charm and classic touches. I mean, these two are amazing. But the nerd part comes in because I posted on my Twitter account a few days ago how much I am in love with that show and Joanna’s style, and my Tweet was favorited by Joanna! I know, it really doesn’t mean much of anything but it was still so COOL.

2) I am almost done wrapping presents! (Can I get a whoop whoop?) This is a major achievement, mainly because a) I don’t like to wrap, and b) therefore I procrastinate.

3) This brings me to …. I did not get my mother’s gene for pretty wrapping techniques. I have no patience for wrapping and my corners are terrible. Plus sometimes I underestimate the wrapping paper needed for a large box and end up with a bizarre patch job. I saw a hastag the other day – #IWrapLikeAFourYearOld – and that’s me in a nutshell.

Bad wrapping job | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

4) Completely switching gears, it’s going to be a fun weekend! Saturday we celebrate my niece, Morgan’s, 1st birthday, complete with cupcakes and the cutest birthday tutu a little girl could wear! It also happens to be Earl the Pug’s 14th birthday this weekend, as well. We’re celebrating that with extra naps and extra treats on Sunday.

Earl the Pug | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

5) I had the privilege – along with two of my coworkers – of helping deliver nearly 300 pounds of turkey to a food shelf in a Saint Paul, Minnesota neighborhood. It’s an annual tradition for the organization I work for, and it always makes me stop and think about the families that struggle to put food on their tables every day. This particular shelter we visited services between 50-60 families each and every day. This is just one food shelf in one neighborhood.

The Neighborhood House food shelf | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

I’m linking up with Diary of a Real Housewife, The Farmer’s Wife and September FARM today.  Have an amazing weekend, everyone!

P.S. Extra high five for this #FlashbackFriday photo – from Joe’s very first visit to Santa. I still love how traumatized he was! 🙂

1st visit with Santa | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

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