June is Turkey Lovers Month! | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com #SwitchToTurkey #TurkeyEveryday

Hey ya’ll, it’s June is Turkey Lovers Month!

What? You didn’t know? Wow, that’s weird, but no worries. It’s not as famous – yet – as June is Dairy Month, but we’re working on that. And I think dairy and turkey make a great combination, actually. What’s not to love?

Turkey, milk, cheese, ice cream … it’s all good!

I hope you’ll join me this month (and every month) by switching a few of your meals to include turkey – whether it’s turkey on the grill (these sriracha burgers are amazing), my #1 Pinned recipe on Pinterest for turkey lasagna (perfect dairy/turkey combo), or a fun turkey pepperoni pizza dip for a weekend party. (Both the lasagna and the dip recipes come from Meschke Poultry in Minnesota – my friend Lynn and her mother-in-law are both amazing cooks and pretty much the nicest people on earth, too!)

I’m working on sharing a new burger recipe soon (maybe tomorrow night, if I can get my act together) – fajita turkey burgers from Jennie-O. These look amazing and I can’t wait to try them!

I’ll be back soon, but in the meantime, please share the turkey love with your friends and family, will you? I’d be much obliged! 🙂

– Lara –


0 comments on June is Turkey Lovers Month!

    • Yum – that sounds delicious! Glad I can count on you to be one of the turkey lovers this month! 🙂 I’ve missed the last two Tuesdays for my recipe posts (shame on me!) but it’s been crazy busy at work, so I’m not beating myself up about it. However, I have this new fajita turkey burger recipe I really, really want to try … maybe tonight, if I get my act in gear?! 🙂


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