Contrary to popular myth, gardens are still growing and flowers are still blooming in Minnesota this time of year. Granted, it won’t be long before we get a hard freeze and we’ll be putting the gardens to bed for the winter. For now, though, there are still plenty of blooms to enjoy before that happens.

Garden Walk-About | October Edition | via #gardenchat #gardening

My Mammoth Mum is on its second round of blooms – I cut it back in late July and now it is completely full of color again.

Garden Walk-About | October Edition | via #gardenchat #gardening

I never tire of looking at my Queen Red Lime zinnias.

Garden Walk-About | October Edition | via #gardenchat #gardening

Rudbeckia (I think this one is ‘Herbstsonne’ ) is always a stellar fall flower – this particular plant is well over 7-feet tall and makes a lovely backdrop in the corner of one of my gardens.

Garden Walk-About | October Edition | via #gardenchat #gardening

I love the feathery plumes of Miscanthus grass in the fall, as well – I leave this plant up all winter long because it creates a beautiful backdrop against the snow. (Then I just cut it back down in the spring.)

Garden Walk-About | October Edition | via #gardenchat #gardening

Another mum – this one vibrant purple!

Garden Walk-About | October Edition | via #gardenchat #gardening

Even my rose bush hasn’t given up on fall yet. 🙂

Garden Walk-About | October Edition | via #gardenchat #gardening

And of course, sedum is in its glory in the late summer / fall … this particular plant borders our garden shed.

What’s still blooming in your garden this time of year? Do you like fall garden prep, or are you like me, and get (ahem) a little bit lazy in the fall? Truth be told, I do some cutting back of perennials and shrubs in the fall, but I never get everything done that I probably should. I’m much more motivated in the spring to get out in the gardens, after a long, cold winter! 🙂


4 Comments on Garden Walk-About | October Edition

  1. Hi Lara,

    I have my perennials and shrubs in my beds and that’s it. Nothing blooming except hearty hibiscus (rose of sharon) and pink earth kind roses. My high school volunteer and I took the annuals and vegetables out last week. Normally, I’m much later doing this, but this year I was tired of summer. Give me barren beds and a pumpkin instead. Amen.

    I am happy to see your pictures, though! Those zinnias are so appealing! Thanks for sharing!

    Emily Grace

    • Hi Emily Grace,

      I got rid of pretty much all of my pots of annuals – they were toast by this time of year, which may or may not have been because I tend to neglect them once it hits mid-September. 😉 I’m actually pretty amazed at how good some of these perennials look this time of year – I think we had the perfect amount of rain when we needed it all summer and a very lovely fall.

      I love my zinnias too … definitely a fave flower for me!

      Thanks for stopping by!

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