
Zinnias | via printmyemotions.com #gardenchat

Garden Walk-About | October Edition

Contrary to popular myth, gardens are still growing and flowers are still blooming in Minnesota this time of year. Granted, it won’t be long before we get a hard freeze and we’ll be putting the gardens to bed for the winter. For now, though, there are still plenty of blooms to enjoy before that happens. […] Read more…

Zinnia | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

Zinnia Perfection.

I’m just going to leave these two photos right here and share some zinnia trivia with you: These varieties are why zinnias are among my top 5 favorite flowers. At the rehearsal dinner the night before my wedding, we had arrangements of zinnias on each table. If I owned my own retail store, which would be […] Read more…

Sweet Corn Risotto

Sweet Corn Risotto

I’d like to share a few observations from the course of the past few days or so. These will be random observations, so if you were hoping to read a well-constructed blog post tonight, you’re a bit out of luck. My brain is just not working that way right now. 😉 We found out today that this […] Read more…

Labor Day. How Did That Happen?

Labor Day. And how exactly did that happen? Now that Joe’s brand-new backpack is packed, school clothes are laid out, new tennis shoes are ready to be broken in, and even Teacher Man’s lunch is packed for tomorrow, I can plop myself on the couch, turn on a little Real Housewives of Orange County (Reunion, Part […] Read more…

My Gardens: Coming to Life.

Lady’s Mantle My gardens are coming to life, even as I continue to plant seeds and add flowers here and there. Spring is always slower to come in Minnesota, and this year, it felt like it took forever. Then today we recorded over 5 inches of rain in a 24-hour period – with more projected […] Read more…

Wordless Wednesday: Wishful Thinking.

Wishful thinking for a garden bed full of bright, colorful zinnias. Current temperature: -8 degrees (and that doesn’t count the wind chill). Yes, it’s January and yes, it’s Minnesota. But I can still take out my garden catalogs and wish for warmer, spring days. It’s what we do here in Minnesota when the weather gets […] Read more…

Marigolds | Printmyemotions

Monday Staycation – In Rewind

I am on vacation this week, and I have instructed the office not to call me unless it is a dire emergency.  Since I work with very smart and understanding coworkers, I am sure they will heed my plea. (Seriously. I have awesome coworkers.) I need this week off. We don’t have big plans and, […] Read more…

Sunny Gardens

It’s 91 degrees where I live today – and quite humid! No complaints here – I love summer so bring it on. The mosquitoes, however, are loving it as well, but I doused myself in bug spray and went out to do a little weeding early this afternoon anyway. Both my flowers and vegetables are […] Read more…