It’s Sunday night, friends, and Joe and I have assumed our positions on the couch in the porch. Quilts draped over us, both eating our DQ Blizzards – he’s on his iPad while I’m writing on my laptop and anxiously awaiting Madam Secretary. (Don’t worry about Teacher Man – he is already upstairs, reading his book, and likely falling asleep.)

In other words, it’s a pretty good Sunday evening.

I could say the same for the weekend, too. Joe had his annual Christmas piano recital on Saturday, so Grandma and Grandpa (my parents) came late morning for lunch, a quick lefse-making session (more on that below), and the recital. 

Weekend Snaps - And Lefse! | via printmyemotions.comJoe complained about his “fancy” clothes for the umpteenth time, but I think he cleans up pretty well!

Weekend Snaps - And Lefse! | via printmyemotions.comGirls in red plaid!  And in a bit of impromptu fun, we also watched our niece, Miss Morgan, for the day because both her parents had to work. Later, her mom (my sister) joined us for supper before heading back home.

Weekend Snaps - And Lefse! | via printmyemotions.comThis is what lefse making looks like at my house. After my mom gave me a quick tutorial, she and Teacher Man made sure the grandkids ate lunch while I rolled out the lefse and my Dad manned the lefse grill as the designated “lefse flipper”.

Weekend Snaps - And Lefse! | via printmyemotions.comMy Dad also taught Jerry these valuable “lefse flipping” skills, which involves careful watching so the lefse doesn’t burn.

Weekend Snaps - And Lefse! | via printmyemotions.comSoon it was time for the piano recital. Miss Morgan made sure Rudolph was a very important guest as they both anxiously awaited Joe’s performance of “Jingle Bell Rock.”

Weekend Snaps - And Lefse! | via printmyemotions.comAfter the recital, I tried to catch a photo of these two by the silver tree. 🙂

Weekend Snaps - And Lefse! | via

And of course supper included lefse! I wanted proof to text Grandma that Joe did, in fact, eat the lefse. Our favorite way to eat it includes slathering the lefse with butter, filling the center with ground beef, boiled potatoes, and peas – then rolling it up like a lefse burrito. It’s absolutely the best! (Joe said it “wasn’t bad”, which is a fairly glowing assessment coming from him.)

Weekend Snaps - And Lefse! | via printmyemotions.comToday at church we saw the Sunday School Christmas Program, and the kids brought down the full house with a rousing rendition of “Joy to the World.” 

Weekend Snaps - And Lefse! | via

And finally, I saved the best for last! More lefse, you ask? Why yes … this photo shows the very first batch of lefse I made completely on my own today – along with Teacher Man’s newly-acquired lefse flipping skills! It’s a big moment, and I’m not ashamed to say I’m a little proud. I’ve always wanted to learn this family tradition and after a couple of lessons from my mom, it wasn’t nearly as intimidating as it used to seem. (If you haven’t read my original lefse 101 blog post, which explains how my family makes flour lefse, not potato lefse which is more common, click here.)

Have a great start to the week! I am planning to be back for Turkey Tuesday, when I have a fabulous new ground turkey recipe to share with you.


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