Memorial Day Weekend Mash-Up | via

So … the long holiday weekend was busy in a completely fabulous, hanging-out-with-my-family kind of way.

Memorial Day Weekend Mash-Up | via

A bike ride with my Joe Man to kick things off on Saturday morning.

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Beer tasting at Hayes’ Public House with Teacher Man, after I spent a gorgeously sunny Saturday afternoon puttering in my gardens and planting a ridiculous amount of yellow bean seeds. We’re a little obsessed with fresh yellow beans from the garden.

Memorial Day Weekend Mash-Up | via

The Pioneer Woman claims this is the Best Chocolate Sheet Cake. Ever. And I pretty much believe every single word she says (find recipe here). I brought this cake out to the Farm later in the weekend and we even ate it for breakfast – and later in the morning for coffee. And then right before lunch because we were kinda hungry. Yum.

Memorial Day Weekend Mash-Up | via printmyemotions.wordpress.comSpeaking of the Farm, this is how we spent a Sunday evening – devouring my favorite turkey lasagna recipe (find it here) and enjoying some wine in the process. All this on #NationalWineDay, too!

Memorial Day Weekend Mash-Up | via

And of course we all “fought” over snuggle time with precious Miss Morgan. Did you notice that Avery, the GSP (German Shorthair Pointer), photo bombed Teacher Man?

Memorial Day Weekend Mash-Up | via

This might be my favorite photo of the weekend.

Memorial Day Weekend Mash-Up | via

Or maybe this one … #FamilySelfie in the bathroom mirror with three generations! (We’re goofy like that.)

Memorial Day Weekend Mash-Up | via

We took Miss Morgan out for a walk around the Farm and snapped this photo by the lilacs before she fell asleep. We were matching girls in pink!

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And this crabapple tree with its shades of pink blooms was stunning!

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The corn is starting to grow, right next to all the golf balls in the field. I wonder how those got there?

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Earl the pug took the busy weekend all in stride – with a nap or 12.

Memorial Day Weekend Mash-Up | via

And today we celebrated the newest teenager in our family – Audree (my brother’s daughter) – with plenty of pizza and an ice cream cake from Dairy Queen. Happy 13th Birthday, Miss A!

Memorial Day Weekend Mash-Up | via

And I was so thankful that Joe could help deliver the pot of geraniums to the gravestones of his great-grandparents with Grandpa Michael and Grandma Marilyn. Joe was named after his great grandpa Joe, who was a WWII veteran.

Memorial Day Weekend Mash-Up | via

We are forever grateful for his service to this great country – along with all the men and women who have served and who continue to serve in the military and fight for our freedoms. This includes Teacher Man’s father – Joe’s Grandpa Norman, who was stationed in Korea.

Happy Memorial Day, everyone! #NeverForget




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