Raise your hand if you’re ready for the weekend. (Pick me, pick me!)

It’s been a good week, but I’m ready to hunker down at home, do a little baking (Joe actually wants me to make these!), cook something Pioneer Woman-ish for my family, and perhaps start reading a new book.  Since the windchill is supposed to be something akin to -35 degrees or worse, I think that’s a dang fine plan.

Minnesota hibernation. It’s what we do.

But first … five photos/random thoughts from the week.

High Five For Friday | printmyemotions.com

Sigh. I am so sad that Alan Rickman passed away from cancer this week. He was a tremendous actor and I especially loved him as Severus Snape in the Harry Potter movies and also as Emma Thompson’s husband, Harry, in one of my favorite romantic movies of all time, Love Actually. I will miss seeing him on screen. (You can read Emma Thompson’s loving tribute to Alan Rickman here.)

High Five For Friday | printmyemotions.com

Meet two good friends of mine – Hinda on the left and Teresa on the right. Hinda runs a PR firm in Ohio and was in Minnesota this week to give my Minnesota Turkey Growers Association Board of Directors some media and communications training. She is simply brilliant and I always learn so much from her. (This time around, it was fun to be her “camera chick extraordinaire” during the mock media interviews she coached our board directors through.) More than that, though, she is one of those amazing people who just lights up a room and makes everyone feel special. I love that about her! 

I work with Teresa every day and I love that we get along so well – both in the office and out. Our lives intertwined loosely after I Teacher Man and I moved to Buffalo, but we’ve really gotten to know it each other since she started working for Minnesota Turkey several years ago. She’s an amazing friend, mom, and wife – and she might be the most positive-minded person I know.

When I am with either of these women, I feel like “Printmyemotions.” I am very blessed to have such amazing women friends from whom to learn, laugh and enjoy life!

High Five For Friday | printmyemotions.com

And then there’s Duran Duran! Thanks to those four tickets I bought a few weeks ago for their concert in St. Paul next summer, I was also shipped four free copies of their latest CD this week. Teacher Man was all, “What’s up with all the Duran Duran?” and I just chuckled, knowing what a lucky, lucky girl I am! 😉

High Five For Friday | printmyemotions.com

My sweet, sweet Earl the pug! I caught his sleepy pug look one morning this week when I was waking up Joe for school. He sleeps in Joe’s bed and yes, sometimes right on the pillow next to Joe – it’s pretty hilarious. He always, 100% sleeps better in Joe’s room than in any other room in the house. And Joe claims he doesn’t even hear the snoring. 😉

High Five For Friday | printmyemotions.com

Here’s the book I’m going to start this weekend, I think. The title alone describes my life, yes? 😉

Have a fabulous weekend, friends – I hope it is filled with good food, amazing wine, and most importantly, plenty of love and laughs!



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