A simply perfect Mother's Day | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

My Mother’s Day was perfect for many, small reasons.

1. Breakfast in bed. This has been a tradition in our house since Joe was old enough to help in the kitchen. Joe delivered an egg, over easy, on toast, a big bowl of fresh strawberries and a glass of cranberry juice – all while I happily caught up on a Pioneer Woman episode on the Food Network. It doesn’t get much better than that.

A simply perfect Mother's Day | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

2) A nap. I have no idea why I was so tired today, but a little 30-minute nap did wonders for me. Oddly, I have turned into my mother and can nap on the floor with no problem. Earl the pug kept me company.

A simply perfect Mother's Day | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

3) Trying a new recipe. Even with breakfast in bed, I decided, later in the morning, to try this Baked Blueberry Lemon French Toast. It’s meant for breakfast or brunch, but we ate it for dessert after lunch. It must’ve been good because Teacher Man had several helpings throughout the afternoon – and he is not typically a dessert or even a French toast kind of guy.

A simply perfect Mother's Day | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

4) A run. Or more accurately, a slow, sludgy jog – but the breeze was light and the temps were finally mild. (It’s been rainy and cold for what seems like eons.) This is my “me” time and I start to miss it if I don’t get out as often as I’d like.

A simply perfect Mother's Day | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

5) Goofing with Joe.  I love this kid and he makes me laugh every day. He was pretty psyched that he and his mom stayed in pajamas until after lunch. Everyone needs a day like that once in a while, right?

A simply perfect Mother's Day | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

6) A taste of gardening. The weather has not been conducive to getting into my gardens and I’m so impatient to do so! Today, Joe very graciously offered to go to Menard’s I dragged Joe to Menard’s with me so he could help me load up some ginormous bags of potting soil while enjoying mother-son bonding time. Sadly, I am not ready to plant all my pots yet (again, weather – blech!), but I did get this small mix of succulents put together in a pot. These plants came all the way from Arizona last week in my suitcase. My cousin’s daughter got married and these were the gifts they gave to the guests at the wedding. Or, well, they would’ve given them as gifts if they had remembered to do so at the end of the night. That didn’t happen so I got to pick out more than one to take home!

A simply perfect Mother's Day | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

7) Enjoying my blessings. Like this “epicly epic” homemade Mother’s Day card from Joe – I love the expression on his face! And wishing my mom a Happy Mother’s Day on Facebook with a couple of “then and now” photos. She’s my biggest cheerleader and told me often as I was growing up that I could do anything I set my mind to. (And she helped me live through the 80s, with those big eyeglasses, feathered hair and several Gunne Sax dresses!)

A simply perfect Mother's Day | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

It was a quiet, mellow, no schedule kind of day – just as I wanted. Simple. Perfect.

Happy Mother’s Day!





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