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I’m not quite sure how we managed, but our weather today for Mother’s Day was absolutely stunning! Low 70s, sunny, and (this is very important) light winds! Really, I’m not sure we could’ve asked for a better day in May – especially since spring has been more of a roller coaster around here and very, very windy. 

I spent most of the day outside working in my gardens, which was pretty much the perfect way for me to celebrate Mother’s Day. With Teacher Man’s help, we put new “bunny-deterrent” fences on all of my raised garden beds, plus he did some tilling for me while I was planting containers. 

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I was also able to plant celery and my onion sets, as well as seeds for my carrots, yellow beans, and squash. I did put in a jalapeño plant and a grape tomato plant, which is way earlier than normal (at least for me) but I’m living on the edge this spring and we’ll see what happens! 

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Celery! Last year I bombed horribly at growing celery – a combination of too many bunnies hungry for salads and not enough protection, a location with a little too much sun, and (perhaps) not enough consistent watering. Regardless, I’m going to give celery another try this year in a different raised bed so I’ll be reporting occasionally on how things are progressing.

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Joe’s favorite part of gardening is being in charge of all the watering. I think it’s safe to say most of the water hits the plants! 😉 

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The backyard garden area is now looking pretty good, if I do say so myself!

The boys took me out to dinner Saturday night to celebrate and gave me a couple of gifts before we left for the restaurant. 

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A DSW Shoe Warehouse gift card from Teacher Man!  I think it’s safe to say, he knows me. 

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And new metal frog decor from Joe – a tradition. I love that every frog piece I have outside in the garden, on our porch, or in the house reminds me of Joe and the love of frogs he’s had since a little boy. 🙂

I called my Mom to wish her Happy Mother’s Day and she was out all day in her gardens, too. The apple, in this case, doesn’t fall far from the tree and most of what I’ve learned – and continue to learn – about gardening has come from my mother. 🙂 

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My first iris of the spring!

Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms, grandmas, aunts, and influential women out there. I hope you enjoyed your day! 


1 Comment on Weekend Snaps | My Mother’s Day

  1. Great photos. You would be proud of me—-I made turkey with all the fixings for our evening meal. There were only five of us, but we even used the charger plates tonight. Even the cherry pie was wonderful, thanks to Trader Joes pie crust. I highly recommend it. Happy gardening–you have a great start for the year.

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