This is not going to be the most riveting blog post I’ve ever written – mostly because it’s almost 9 p.m. and I’m tired, people.

I got back from my work’s summer conference on Friday afternoon and it has taken me two full days to recuperate. Seriously, this is one of those annoying details about being 47. Twenty years ago I could’ve rebounded in a day, but no more. 

My weekend in a nutshell:

  • Friday: Nap in the car on the way home from the conference, nap at home, go to bed early.
  • Saturday: Gardening and a run in the morning, errands in the afternoon, Father’s Day dinner, go to bed early.
  • Sunday: Gardening in the morning, nap in the afternoon, plenty of golf watching on TV (yay Dustin Johnson!), and probably going to bed early.

Yep, that’s it.

Well, unless you count the ridiculous tumble I took in the garden this morning. I was carrying a pile of spent peony blooms that I had just cut down and didn’t see a decorative stake hiding below me. Oops. The stake became entangled with my foot and down I went on some ornamental grass and Joe Pye Weed.

Let me just say this – ouch.

I was probably lucky I only scraped up my legs and didn’t puncture anything or break a toe. If anyone would’ve been watching, though, I’m sure it looked pretty comical. Especially that part when I picked up the stake, threw it rather forcefully on the lawn, and (maybe) swore a good swear word or two.

But random clutzy gardening accidents aside, I have a few photos to share from the weekend.

Weekend Snaps | Father's Day 2016 | via

The sunset on Friday night was CRAZY! I did use an HD filter on this photo but the real version wasn’t too far off – the sky was glowing orange with some purples and pinks thrown in. Wowza!

Weekend Snaps | Father's Day 2016 | via

This is Todd. Or possibly Rod. We’re not always sure, but we do know we have two (at least) little chipmunks that have made our home their home and are very busy on a daily basis collecting items, digging around in my pots, and just generally hanging out. Here Todd/Rod is on our front porch, greeting us Saturday morning. (And yes, we named them.)

Weekend Snaps | Father's Day 2016 | via

Our catalpa trees are blooming, and I think it’s just a stunning sight to behold!

Weekend Snaps | Father's Day 2016 | via

In other news, I headed upstairs this morning to see about getting this kiddo away from his computer for a little bit but instead of playing video games, he was on Google Docs writing a story. Oh be still my heart. (And by all means, keeping writing!)

Weekend Snaps | Father's Day 2016 | via

And while the creative writing gene comes mostly from me, Joe also gets plenty from his Dad too, including his love for reading books, the joy of new golf balls, and, apparently a preference for teal green t-shirts. 😉

Weekend Snaps | Father's Day 2016 | via

Speaking of Dad, Happy Father’s Day to Teacher Man, who enjoyed a Saturday night celebration with NY strip steaks, homemade potato salad, and a classic cheddar bacon wedge (lettuce) salad with homemade dressing – along with these new Moscow Mule mugs. (Joe’s has lemonade in it, people, so don’t judge!)

That’s it for now, but I will have a few photos and recipes to share from my work conference so be on the lookout this week! 


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