I {Heart} Fall via printmyemotions.com

Fall colors are calling me.

I’ll be the first to admit I’m a summer kind of girl. I love the heat. I love wearing sundresses and sandals and not having to schlep a jacket everywhere I go. A beach trip? I’m there. 

However, I will say there is nothing quite like the colors of fall. And I do start to wish for cooler weather so I can wear boots and scarves and thick, comfy sweaters. At least sometimes. I also don’t mind saying I enjoy my fall and early winter runs along the path behind our house most specifically because it’s not 90 degrees with high humidity.

I took a few pics around our home this week while I was out for my almost-nightly runs. Sometimes it’s a good reminder that beauty can be right here among us. We just have to stop and savor it for a few minutes.


I {Heart} Fall via printmyemotions.com
I {Heart} Fall via printmyemotions.com
I {Heart} Fall via printmyemotions.com
I {Heart} Fall via printmyemotions.com
I {Heart} Fall via printmyemotions.com
I {Heart} Fall via printmyemotions.com

More posts about fall:

Good-bye Summer

Weekend Snaps | Happy Homemaker Edition

Labor Day – How Did That Happen?

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