Lately | via

(Full and total disclosure: Okay, so I wrote this on Sunday but didn’t have a chance to post it until I got back home. Today. Five days later. Sigh. Welcome to my world.)

I’m writing this from a flight enroute to Orlando for the National Turkey Federation Annual Convention – my second work trip in a week. Normally my trips are spaced a little better this this, so I left two boys at home who weren’t necessarily too keen on me leaving so soon after I returned from Atlanta last Thursday. They will be absolutely fine, of course – but they will be glad when I get back, as will I.

In the meantime, though, I’m going to Disneyworld, which seems less like a work trip and more like a getaway … although I can assure you most of my days are fairly scheduled with meetings, general sessions, and the like.

Still, it’s a rough gig, I know. 😉

Except the woman sitting next me cannot sit still and it’s driving me a little crazy. She is fidgeting through the entire flight, trying to find a comfortable spot. It’s not working too well for her. And hence, not for me either.

But I digress. Here are a few things that I’ve been thinking about lately.

I’m pretty sure I’d be 5 pounds lighter if I’d cut out wine and pasta, but what fun would that be? Last night I made Giada’s fettuccini alfredo recipe and it was divine. DIVINE. What’s not to love about heavy cream, butter, and Parmesan cheese? It’s the trifecta of fabulousness. I wish I could be easier on myself, though – I need to remember that I am stronger and in better shape now than in my 20s. I could run a 5K right now if I wanted to. Why do I need to give myself guilt or grief over a couple of pounds here or there? We women are tough on ourselves – too tough. I know this in my head but even after all these years, my mind still fights this.

My new favorite TV show … The Dedicated Survivor. I watched two episodes on the flight home from Atlanta and now I’m hooked and need to watch the rest of the season before new episodes start in March. Holy crap – Kiefer Sutherland! And Virginia Madsen. Plus Washington DC, which always seems to catch my interest. (See also my love for Madam Secretary.)

Dedicated Survivor

My new favorite LuLaRoe Nicole dress … which by the way, I am not keeping for myself. I swear I’m not. But isn’t this just stunning? Someone needs this dress!

Lately - LuLaRoe Nicole Dress via

Book I’m reading right now … because, well, a girl needs a break from EVERYTHING sometimes, right? It’s Elin Hildebrand’s “Beautiful Day.” I am a big fan of her writing … there is something so intimate and real about how she describes families and relationships and everyday lives. I always feel like I’m right there on Nantucket, where her books are based.

And more about me … writing helps ground me, as well. When I’m feeling stressed or over-busy, I really want to just get back to the business of writing a blog post. Even if it is about random thoughts and ideas, which it very often is these days. Writing always makes me feel like myself again and I relax almost instantly once I start. The same miraculous thing happens when I play piano – it’s just harder to do that from anywhere!

And so the week will kick off when I get to the hotel at Disneyworld. I’ll see old friends and colleagues, and the week will be a mix of work and fun. I know I’m lucky that way – to have a job – a career – that affords me these opportunities. So here’s to random blog posts (my most favorite kind), a few days at Disneyworld, and plenty of turkey this week!



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