It was a glorious September day … the sun came out and the temps soared to about 80 degrees with a light breeze and low humidity. These are the days we must cherish now for soon, winter will descend upon Minnesota and we will be trying to remember what a little heat felt like.

I took a walk during Joe’s piano lessons and found a few places to snap photos … when I look around, this town has good architectural bones, plus the fall flowers are keeping things pretty.



About Town | printmyemotions.comBuffalo Lake.

About Town | printmyemotions.comFlowers from Untiedt’s Market – downtown Buffalo.

About Town | printmyemotions.comOh-Em-Gee … we’re getting an ice cream shop!!

About Town | printmyemotions.comArchitecture.

About Town |

So I noticed Evelyn’s Wine Bar is open during Joe’s piano lesson. Just saying.

About Town |

Random sighting.

About Town |

Zinnias still holding onto their fall color near the Buffalo Police Station.

About Town |

So pretty.

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