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High Five for Friday | Getting Springy via printmyemotions.com

High Five For Friday | Getting Springy!

You guys. I’m having one of those evenings where I am quite literally exhausted. I feel like I can’t expend any more energy than I already have today. I got my kiddo to school, I worked, I put supper on the table, I’m done. (Okay, I ordered pizza and opened a bottle of wine, but still.) […] Read more…

Tryng Rodan+Fields | via printmyemotions.com #RFLife

Trying Out Rodan+Fields

It’s called #RFLife on social media – which stands for Rodan + Fields Life. And it’s full of postings of women (and even some men) who have tried this skincare program and found it to be life-changing. I will readily admit that I had been fairly skeptical about this skincare company, mainly because it is quite pricey […] Read more…

Weekend Snaps | via printmyemotions.com

Weekend Snaps: The Calm Before the Storm

I find myself sitting in our porch tonight under two of the most unlikely scenarios: The window is open on this crazy beautiful – warm! – March evening. I am all by myself. Well, not counting Earl the pug, who is snoring at my feet. But there is no Teacher Man or Joe Man here […] Read more…

How I Met Teacher Man | via printmyemotions.com

How I Met Teacher Man

My mother gave me many good pieces of advice as I was growing up. I’d like to think I followed her direction on most occasions; that her insight has, in part, gotten me where I am today. There is one piece of advice, however, that I didn’t follow and it was a biggie. One summer when […] Read more…

Bitmoji App | via printmyemotions.com

Happiness is …

You know what makes me happy right now? The Good Wife – Good grief do I love this show. It’s smart, funny, emotional … and the music is kick ass. I watch very few other network television shows, but I rarely miss this one.  Bitmoji – Have you checked out this free app? My coworker tuned me […] Read more…

Winter Landscape in Minnesota | via printmyemotions.com

Out of Sorts (What Day Is It?)

Is anyone else out of sorts, a bit, now that we’ve gotten past Christmas? I had the hardest time on Sunday. It didn’t feel like Sunday. I was weirdly surprised to see NFL football teams playing and I completely forgot to walk out to the mailbox to get the Sunday newspaper until late afternoon.  Also, […] Read more…

High Five For Friday (+ Randomness) | via MyOtherMoreExciting.com

High Five for Friday (+ Randomness)

I have decided that I don’t have enough random writing time in my life. I’ve mentioned this before (here, for instance), but I love just sitting at the laptop, creating fun posts about a multitude of topics that have nothing to do with each other. It’s my creative outlet. And quite possibly my therapy session. […] Read more…

Kringla | via printmyemotions.com

Kringle to the Rescue!

I’ve been feeling a bit harried and stressed this week. It’s almost as if the Christmas season is rushing by me too fast and I can’t seem to slow down to really enjoy any quiet moments with my family. I realize it’s only December 8 but somehow the early part of the month always has […] Read more…

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