You guys. I’m having one of those evenings where I am quite literally exhausted. I feel like I can’t expend any more energy than I already have today. I got my kiddo to school, I worked, I put supper on the table, I’m done. (Okay, I ordered pizza and opened a bottle of wine, but still.)

This is why I can’t help but be ecstatic that tomorrow is Friday. FRIDAY. 

Now, that being said, I would like to request that the weekend move very, very, verrrrryyyy ssssllllooooooowwww. 

Please and thank you.

Okay, now that I’ve got that covered, a few random photos from the past two days, which have been positively glorious in the weather department. And by glorious in Minnesota in April, I mean that the thermostat finally hit above the 60 degree mark, the sun came out, and all was right with the world.

High Five for Friday | Getting Springy via

Hello golf club! We went to a local driving range tonight and hit some balls. Not going to lie – it felt weird, as it always does, the first time I swing a club after 9 months, but then it all comes back and bam! I don’t mind telling you I hit a few nice drives and my 3-wood was pretty kind to me. 

High Five for Friday | Getting Springy via

Our local driving range is this crazy little hole-in-the-wall field with an outbuilding that a guy named Emmitt (or Ernest? or Erland?) with a thick white beard runs, mostly on the honor system. $8 gets us a large bucket of balls. (Just leave the cash on the counter, thank you.)

High Five for Friday | Getting Springy via

Just look at this place. It’s perfect. And perfectly not fancy at all. But that’s why we like it – low pressure, just a few miles from our house … smack dab in between farm fields.

High Five for Friday | Getting Springy via

And for whatever reason, there is a sheep made of beads to welcome us. Seriously. All beads.

High Five for Friday | Getting Springy via

I have no idea why there is an RV camper parked here, but there is.

High Five for Friday | Getting Springy via

In other spring news, my rose bush is looking particularly thorny and super spidery (is that a word?) cool right now as it buds out. This is the rose bush that comes from my family’s farm. The original rose bush – still going strong – was planted by my Great-Grandpa Dave, a robust, larger-than-life Russian Jew who emigrated to the U.S. and eventually settled his family in a small Scandinavian farming community in southwestern Minnesota. And that, my friends, is a whole other story for another time. 🙂

High Five for Friday | Getting Springy via

My frog heralds the first days of warm weather and brings the only pop of color to a very brown landscape – at least for now. 

One more thing … this video of a poor little puppy having some major trouble with the stairs is so funny!

Happy weekend, friends!


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