My Work Life

There's a chance this is wine coffee mug | via

High Five for Friday!

Welcome to Friday, everyone! Or as we say around here … the 3rd straight weekend of Joe’s birthday. It’s a bit ridiculous, actually, but because of various schedules and other activities, we’ve already had two birthday celebrations and now this weekend he’s FINALLY having a good friend of his over for a birthday sleepover. After […] Read more…

Easy Meal Option: Gold'n Plump Chicken Patties (A Review)

It’s Wednesday – and perhaps more importantly, it’s the Wednesday before my big summer conference next week. What does this mean? 1) I have a mountainous to-do list of details to finalize before next week in order to be ready for 150+ of my turkey people to descend upon a central Minnesota lake resort – ready […] Read more…

A Little Bit About My Monday.

Happy Monday, all! It was a gray, dreary, windy, cold and rainy spring day here – barely surpassing 40 degrees, not that I noticed or anything. The only saving grace on this ugly day is the fact that I can actually use my favorite umbrella! Of course, the real (read: lazy) pug in our house […] Read more…

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