Oh for the Love of Eggs (and a decadent French Silk chocolate pie recipe | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

French Silk Chocolate Pie

I love to bake. I do sometimes like to cook actual meals with a variety of food groups, although typically not on weeknights when the second I get home, my 9-year-old is asking the proverbial question, “What’s for dinner?”  (Which is ironic, if you know my son, because he is the pickiest eater on the […] Read more…

Girls Weekend 2013 | Twin Cities

I feel like I am way too tired to write coherently tonight, but I want to share a few photos from my completely fabulous girls’ weekend. I’ve been getting together with my cousin, Christine, every November for the past 15 years – she lives in Iowa and this is our one time each year that […] Read more…

Goodnight, Turkeys.

My Wordless Wednesday has a few words. I can’t help it. I write. That’s what I do. I love taking pictures, but I love captioning them too. So you’ll forgive me, right? Goodnight, Minnesota’s Presidential turkeys. They are tucked away, cozy in this beautiful and festive garden shed-turned-turkey-barn, at least for the next couple of […] Read more…

Baby Shower Fun | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

Girly Baby Shower Fun.

In about two months or so, I’m going to be an auntie again! My baby sister, Jodi, and her husband are having their own baby – a little girl due January 7 – and this weekend my sister-in-law, Dana, and I threw her a baby shower. Joe was the last baby we’ve had on my […] Read more…

The Good Egg Project | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

A Good Egg.

I am thrilled to announce a new partnership I have with the American Egg Board to be a Good Egg Project Ambassador, along with several other bloggers! When asked if I would be interested, it took me all of, oh, I’d say five seconds to say yes. Given my background working with egg farmers and […] Read more…

Old Fashioned Recipe box | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

Family Recipes = History & Love.

This past weekend, I spent some time at my father-in-law’s home, visiting and catching up on life. We hadn’t visited for a while and we knew it was time for Joe to see his Grandpa Norman again. My mother-in-law, Mary, sadly passed away last February, and while my husband’s family has experienced a myriad of […] Read more…

Apple Crisp

Apple Crisp

I am in serious denial that it is Sunday night. Serious denial. I’m just not ready to go back to work and the weekday schedule tomorrow. My son would verbalize it this way: I’m just not feeling Monday. But while I can deny all I want, Monday is still coming straight at me in just a few […] Read more…

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