A Two-Nap Sunday & Other Randomness

I am feeling completely random tonight, so I’m going to list my stream of consciousness and see what happens. Ready, set go: I took two naps today. Two! I seriously can’t remember the last time I did that. I think even Teacher Man – who is really an excellent Sunday afternoon napper – was surprised. […] Read more…

Staycation = Simplicity

While I am still a little worked up about the whole Panera Bread (#PluckEZChicken) thing, I have truly tried to be “on vacation” this week and give myself a break. (My Panera Bread post is here – and a follow up from Dairy Carrie is here, plus a spot-on blog post from a veterinarian about Panera’s […] Read more…

Marigolds | Printmyemotions

Monday Staycation – In Rewind

I am on vacation this week, and I have instructed the office not to call me unless it is a dire emergency.  Since I work with very smart and understanding coworkers, I am sure they will heed my plea. (Seriously. I have awesome coworkers.) I need this week off. We don’t have big plans and, […] Read more…

Panera Bread (Or How to Pluck an EZ Chicken).

Panera Bread (Or How to Pluck an EZ Chicken).

Panera Bread Company certainly got an earful this week! A dairy farmer/blogger – Dairy Carrie – wrote this post lambasting the company for its ridiculously misleading advertising campaign that essentially called livestock and poultry farmers who use antibiotics “lazy.” Misleading. And offensive to farmers everywhere. I know many farmers and I can say for certain […] Read more…

Garden Joy in July

The gardens are in full bloom now, with the zinnias, coneflower and daisies putting on quite a colorful show. I think my favorite flower changes almost daily now – I love all my zinnia varieties because the colors are amazing and bright and so happy. But, the coneflower is a classic Minnesota perennial that is […] Read more…

Best Ever Turkey Layered Hotdish

Best Ever Turkey Layered Hotdish

Mid-July seems, in theory, like a very weird time to make a Best Ever Turkey Layered Hotdish. Wait, I should back-up for any of you who are not from Minnesota and are wondering what this strange word – hotdish – is all about. Here’s a quick tutorial: “Hotdish” = casserole. And just so you know […] Read more…

Laying hens

Common Sense Chicken Truths

Full disclosure: I have been stewing a bit about a comment about eggs and laying hens I read on Facebook for at least a week now. If you are a regular reader of this blog, then you know I’ve written about eggs and the misconceptions about egg farming before – in fact, my post “Can […] Read more…

Sunny Gardens

It’s 91 degrees where I live today – and quite humid! No complaints here – I love summer so bring it on. The mosquitoes, however, are loving it as well, but I doused myself in bug spray and went out to do a little weeding early this afternoon anyway. Both my flowers and vegetables are […] Read more…

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