(Sort Of) Wordless Wednesday: My Boy of Summer

I have been so crazy busy the past few weeks that I haven’t had time to write a decent blog post about hardly anything, it seems. I’ve got some egg questions on my mind – and I usually always find something to share about turkey, but with my organization’s summer conference last week, I haven’t […] Read more…

Wordless Wednesday: Flowers and a Family Legacy

I love when the peonies start to bloom – gorgeous color and the flowers smell amazing! This particular peony has special meaning for me – it came from a cutting of the same peony that my Great Grandfather planted on the family farm I grew up on. It’s hardy, tough and vibrant – a lot […] Read more…

Lake. Family. Golf. Ice Cream. Repeat.

Has it really been 9-1/2 years since Teacher Man and I became parents? Now our redheaded, freckled boy is his own little man – always creative and sometimes cautious, baseball player and pianist, funny man and artist/writer. Just seconds after he came into the world, he promptly peed all over his Dad. It is still […] Read more…

Chives and Cilantro

Sunday Wishes for Sunshine

Where is the sun? It’s been so gray and cloudy and rainy and cool in Minnesota. And not just for a few days – I’m talking for weeks on end. Our thermometer only reached 61 degrees today – quite a bit lower than our average high of 78 degrees this time of year. I think […] Read more…

Turkey | via printmyemotions.com

Wordless Wednesday (Gobble Gobble!)

Happy Wednesday, turkey lovers! I took this photo a few years ago in a turkey barn just south of the Twin Cities. I am sharing it today because it’s a chance for me to show you what turkeys eat every day: a perfectly nutritious mix of corn and soybean meal, with some vitamins and minerals […] Read more…

Digging in the Dirt.

“It was such a pleasure to sink one’s hands into the warm earth, to feel at one’s fingertips the possibilities of the new season.” – Kate Morton, The Forgotten Garden It’s true. I love spring for many reasons, but I especially love to watch the earth come alive, my perennial flower plants sprout up and the […] Read more…

Motherhood is a Funny Thing, Sometimes.

Motherhood is a funny thing, sometimes. Last night, Teacher Man and Joe took me out to eat for Mother’s Day and we reminisced with Joe about what life was like initially after we brought him home from the hospital. Joy, happiness, anxiety and … the complete opposite of just about every single thought I had […] Read more…

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