Dairy Queen Blizzard

Good-bye Summer | via printmyemotions.com

Good-bye Summer

I’m always a little sad to see Labor Day weekend come to an end. It signals good-bye to summer and hello to a more scheduled life complete with school activities, confirmation classes at church, homework, piano lessons, and a busy, busy office that seems to hit its stride in September and doesn’t look up until […] Read more…


Weekend Snaps | I Miss You Guys!

Oh my word, I absolutely can’t stand it when I don’t have the time to blog regularly.  If you follow me on Facebook, then you may have caught this picture I took last week – captioned, “What I feel like when I don’t have time to blog!”  And it’s true. I love to write and […] Read more…

Garden Frog Stepping Stone | via printmyemotions.com

Memorial Day Weekend.

So the unofficial start to summer – Memorial Day weekend – is nearly over. The sun came out on Friday and tonight, but in between it was cloudy, cool, and rainy in Minnesota. (I give you Exhibit A above – a look at my brother’s shed on the farm from Sunday evening.) That didn’t stop […] Read more…

Teacher Man and Lara | via printmyemotions.com

Sunday Night Rituals.

Sunday nights almost always mean two things to my family: 1) Dairy Queen Blizzards for the boys. Oreo for Joe and peanut butter cups for Teacher Man. Always. Sometimes a Blizzard for me, too, but sometimes not – depends totally on what I feel like. And if I do have a Blizzard, I am the […] Read more…