
Fall Garden | via

Playing Hooky on Monday

I’m not really playing hooky today, but there is something about taking a day off on Monday that feels like I’m cheating just a little.  I went for a run in my neighborhood this morning, marveling at the blue sky and crisp morning air. When I got back, I walked around to the backyard and […] Read more…

Fall Colors | via

Fall Colors

We’re on our way to a hard freeze tonight in Minnesota. I covered a couple of tender plants I want to save, but otherwise the rest will be done. It’s been a glorious fall here, although many areas could use more rain. For now, though, I’m simply enjoying the colors of the season. Happy weekend, […] Read more…

Zinnias | via #gardenchat

Garden Walk-About | October Edition

Contrary to popular myth, gardens are still growing and flowers are still blooming in Minnesota this time of year. Granted, it won’t be long before we get a hard freeze and we’ll be putting the gardens to bed for the winter. For now, though, there are still plenty of blooms to enjoy before that happens. […] Read more…

High Five for Friday | via

High Five For Friday!

It’s been a long while since I’ve written a Friday post, but I’m feeling inclined this morning to get a head start on the weekend. We don’t have big plans – just a little babysitting of our niece, Miss Morgan, tomorrow (yay!) and then catching up on life, otherwise known as groceries, laundry, fall garden […] Read more…

Zinnia | via

Zinnia Perfection.

I’m just going to leave these two photos right here and share some zinnia trivia with you: These varieties are why zinnias are among my top 5 favorite flowers. At the rehearsal dinner the night before my wedding, we had arrangements of zinnias on each table. If I owned my own retail store, which would be […] Read more…

Sweet Corn Risotto

Sweet Corn Risotto

I’d like to share a few observations from the course of the past few days or so. These will be random observations, so if you were hoping to read a well-constructed blog post tonight, you’re a bit out of luck. My brain is just not working that way right now. 😉 We found out today that this […] Read more…

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