Jennie-O Turkey Store

2016 MPF Convention | via

The Big Event & Post-Hibernation

It’s taken me 72 hours of mini-hibernation but I think I’m finally catching up on my sleep. Last Monday I took off for Saint Paul, where my office started set up for the 45th annual Midwest Poultry Federation Convention – the largest show focused solely on the poultry industry in the U.S. The convention itself […] Read more…

Turkey Nirvana

So this will come as no big surprise, given my employer for the past 17 years: When I eat out at restaurants, I actively seek out turkey on the menu. Not necessarily always to order … sometimes a meat-eating girl also needs a steak or pork or fish, too – you know, for variety. (Don’t judge […] Read more…

Best Ever Turkey Layered Hotdish

Best Ever Turkey Layered Hotdish

Mid-July seems, in theory, like a very weird time to make a Best Ever Turkey Layered Hotdish. Wait, I should back-up for any of you who are not from Minnesota and are wondering what this strange word – hotdish – is all about. Here’s a quick tutorial: “Hotdish” = casserole. And just so you know […] Read more…

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